Not in the lead, we are...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2006
Oct 8, 2003
Well... the Aussies have retaken the lead... Not the best news to wake up to... But the [H]orde will fold on and retake the lead!

[H]old the front line boys! Rally the troops back to the front!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Well... the Aussies have retaken the lead... Not the best news to wake up to... But the [H]orde will fold on and retake the lead!

[H]old the front line boys! Rally the troops back to the front!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

this is exactly what i woke up to, too :(...

EDIT: of course, none of us can go and give them the relic trophy because they've perma-banned all the [H] people from their forums.
Carnival Forces said:
this is exactly what i woke up to, too :(...

EDIT: of course, none of us can go and give them the relic trophy because they've perma-banned all the [H] people from their forums.

now that is just wrong for them to do. although i have never even visited their forums.
Carnival Forces said:
EDIT: of course, none of us can go and give them the relic trophy because they've perma-banned all the [H] people from their forums.
That *might* have something to do with the behaviour of you [H] folders on OCAU. Just remember competition is good for folding production, and folding is potentially beneficial to everyone, so keep the comments clean when you hand back the trophy and you will be able to stay at our beautiful forums.
Well it was the actions of a few who said some stuff they shouldn't have. Anyhow, they shouldn't be enjoying that ducky for long, we'll take it back! ;)

Some of our big folders are going for strength to strength, so hopefully we can hold the trophy for a bit longer than you guys did.
annandin said:
That *might* have something to do with the behaviour of you [H] folders on OCAU. Just remember competition is good for folding production, and folding is potentially beneficial to everyone, so keep the comments clean when you hand back the trophy and you will be able to stay at our beautiful forums.

What about the people who did keep the comments clean.. but the mods just wanted to be a ***** about it...

Oh well.. Your forums are too cluttered anyways ;)
Actions of a VERY few......

We will regain the lead.... competition is good, and both our teams will continue the fight!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Come, come now. Uncalled for comments, have been made by both teams, in the other's forums. The roo's were for the most part, very gracious in returning the duck to [H]ome. This is a friendly :rolleyes: competition, between different groups of folks willing to sacrifice for humanity. I personally respect any folder (regardless of team number), more than a non-folder. We can congratulate the OCAu team on regaining the lead, and work harder to make sure they don't keep the duck for a year, again.

PS. I'll go see if I got banned from their forums, and if not, congratulate them. They sure closed the 100k gap a lot quicker than we did.

Wow, I though they were going to pass us on the 14th. That was quick. I am still contributing.....

I think according to the by-laws of the duck deal, OCAU needs to hold the lead for 24 hours before the duck goes back (which I would say they will).

Well, this blows. I woke up checked the stats and was- cool they are no longer gaining on us...opps they are ahead of us...DUH

I'm pretty sure not all of [h] were banned.

Just the ones that stired, and any that mentioned ' fold for team 33' in their post, even jokingly.
they wont take it back because i just bought these!




what it do!
Well I say they did a hell of a job getting the ducky back but all we have to do is keep the scores as close as possible so that when the seasons change again it won't take us as long to become #1 again and we can stay #1 longer.

Nice job OCAU but don't get lazy because the [H]orde will be back. :)

<<< is not willing to wait till the seasons change... :cool:

Lets go people... back to number one >>>>> that way...

Sorry guys, it's my fault. I had a power outtage last night and didn't get machines back on until about 7:30 this morning. :(

I'm kidding, my production level sucks. :( :(

When posting there, just be nice.

I posted there this morning and they joked about banning me.

If you are banned there, there is nothing wrong with asking the admin on which grounds you were banned.

Just be polite about it.
AtomicMoose said:
When posting there, just be nice.
Exactly! I still have posting privileges there because I don't pull stupid stunts over there. And NO, the stunts that some of the [H]ard folders pulled over there in the past 6 weeks were not done in good humour. We would ban anybody if they did that here in our forums.

So, let's get down to business ---- Borg, borg, borg, Recruit, recruit, recruit!!

GwilyaGwees said:
So, let's get down to business ---- Borg, borg, borg, Recruit, recruit, recruit!!


And don't forget the most important part..... FOLD FOLD FOLD!!!! :D

KodiakStar said:
-1,655 difference on EOC and on

SO close... :cool:
I keep watching us pull closer with each update but it says that is not possible for us to overtake them. All 4 of my machines are chugging 234 pointers and have at least a day left.

Keep turning in those WU guys!
AtomicMoose said:
When posting there, just be nice.

I posted there this morning and they joked about banning me.

If you are banned there, there is nothing wrong with asking the admin on which grounds you were banned.

Just be polite about it.
my posts were always (to me at least,) nice. i got banned from my first accoutn (Carnival_Forces)

thinking this was a blanket-[H]-wide ban, i made another one, Carnival_Aussie (clever, eh? :cool: )

i only posted stuff that was constructive, like answering a guy's question about a sempron CPU...*banned*. :confused:

I was not even able to sign up... Now thats not cool. Its like they banned american IP's!

Pfft. Damn aussies.
meh. didnt know your second one got banned. thought you were still talking about your first.. go join t3h club...
How do you change your team number in console version? I forgot I had friends boxen runing for team 24 under a different name ...

*Dont kill me please*
Irishllama said:
How do you change your team number in console version? I forgot I had friends boxen runing for team 24 under a different name ...

*Dont kill me please*
We can probably forgive you, but first you must ask pardon from the Grand High Moose!

To change the config change your shortcut (or do it in the run menu) to ...console.exe" -configonly and it will allow you to setup your team and name. Hope that helps.

Irishllama said:
How do you change your team number in console version? I forgot I had friends boxen runing for team 24 under a different name ...

*Dont kill me please*


Edit: beat to it. :D