Notebook Pentium 4 FUBAR


Limp Gawd
Dec 28, 2005
I have an HP zd7000 (P4 3.4GHz) and zd8000 (P4 prescott 3.4GHz).
I knew something was wrong with my notebook when I installed Gentoo. Since in Gentoo you can chose to recompile everything that's what I did. Now, 10 minutes into the compilation process the process seemed slower so after some small investigation I realized the CPU was in throttling mode. Now this situation happens with both notebooks and much faster with the zd8000 (which is prescrap).

Ok, so now I just realized something very disturbing. I paid for a CPU that can't sustain more than a few minutes its maximum speed because it gets too hot. The CPU speed drops 50% when throttling so basically when I need the power I really have a 1.7GHz processor. I know I know... Old news... Anyways, many of you with P4 notebook don't realize how crappy this situation is. The BIOS doesn't even offer the option to change this and I understand why! Imagine disabling throttling! The CPU would get so hot it would probably freeze and crash the OS.

The truth is I am mostly upset with myself because I should've tought of this before buying these system. I knew it was an issue on desktop P4 CPUs and that was certainly true for notebooks.

I give some blame to Intel and lots of blame to HP, DELL and the likes which nowhere mention this or at least offer some specs telling us the CPU will throttle at some point.

All the reviews I read of P4 powered notebooks never mentioned this and that's probably why it slipped my mind. I would like to think [H] with their real life benchmarks and reviews would spot things like this which is a HUGE deal and can influence which notebook to buy.