Now Anonymous Threatens Iowa Caucuses?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Anonymous, looking to improve its track record to 1 - 10, now says it will shut down the Iowa caucuses. So what do you think the odds are on this one? Are we taking bets? :D

He explains: "The primaries and caucuses put on by these parties are part of an elaborate scam that deceives the public into voting for candidates that serve the private interests of the mega corporations. These parties have deliberately driven tens of millions of people into poverty."
Um. Do they even know how the caucuses work? How do they plan on shutting them down? State presidential caucuses are the most grassroots events in the entire presidential candidate selection process. It's not as if they have some voting machines to hack. Do they plan on sending representatives to all 1700 or so voting districts in Iowa?
Ok, now it's starting to look like a false flag. People are starting to throw around phrases like "national security threat" and "they're murdering babies".

Anonymous is the next government boogeyman now that "Taliban" and "terrorist" don't scare anyone. When are we going to stop living in fear of every monster we're told to fear?
why dont they do something productive. If they want to really help, find out where all this money anonymous is coming from. let the people decide
Sometimes I really wish they would just go STFU as it just gets olds after a while.
lol, i wonder what's next, anonymous attacks the Red Cross for helping people in need i guess.or the weather bureau for predicting the weather!
Um. Do they even know how the caucuses work? How do they plan on shutting them down? State presidential caucuses are the most grassroots events in the entire presidential candidate selection process. It's not as if they have some voting machines to hack. Do they plan on sending representatives to all 1700 or so voting districts in Iowa?


I did. Do you know how the caucuses work? Apparently not. How will occupying the presidential campaign headquarters in the state shut down the caucuses? The caucuses will be happening in every single voting precinct in the state. Do they plan on occupying all of them?
Well they aren't hacking anything. The message says they want people to peacefully protest. Considering Anonymous isn't really an organized group, the success of this campain really depends on everyone.

I do agree with everything that was said in the message though. No one can deny what they're saying is true.
Down with the democratic system! We need a single great leader who unite us all and give rations to the little guy! Then all the evil corporations will finally meet their doom. Anarchy man!!!!!! We'll do new and great things history has never done before!
Ok, now it's starting to look like a false flag. People are starting to throw around phrases like "national security threat" and "they're murdering babies".

Anonymous is the next government boogeyman now that "Taliban" and "terrorist" don't scare anyone. When are we going to stop living in fear of every monster we're told to fear?
Smart man...I say when we all stop watching so much TV. I have thought Anonymous was a "false flag" group for a while now. Anything that gets as much publicity as they do is no real threat to the system just a means to an end.
Sometimes I really wish they would just go STFU as it just gets olds after a while.

Agreed. I'm getting tired of them. They've become--at best--obnoxious. Anonymous is like a bunch of punks. They're not amusing or funny, just irritating. Not only that, but they are chicken-shit pussies because they don't follow through with their inane targets. Just recently we've seen them threaten a drug cartel and a Republican caucus. The direction they go is aimless.

They're not a terror, just annoying. Maybe they should change their name to that: Annoying Us.
Master [H];1037992367 said:
Agreed. I'm getting tired of them. They've become--at best--obnoxious. Anonymous is like a bunch of punks. They're not amusing or funny, just irritating. Not only that, but they are chicken-shit pussies because they don't follow through with their inane targets. Just recently we've seen them threaten a drug cartel and a Republican caucus. The direction they go is aimless.

They're not a terror, just annoying. Maybe they should change their name to that: Annoying Us.

As long as Anonymous is wiping their butts, [H] will post about it on the front page.
Nice way to show their age.
Should read more like: A gaggle of pimple faced "oppressed" teens VS the democratic process. Fail again 4chan.
Until big money gets out of politics, it's probably not going to get much better for our country. IMHO
Ok, now it's starting to look like a false flag. People are starting to throw around phrases like "national security threat" and "they're murdering babies".

Anonymous is the next government boogeyman now that "Taliban" and "terrorist" don't scare anyone. When are we going to stop living in fear of every monster we're told to fear?
How do you false flag a group where membership is solely defined by claiming to be part of that group? Wouldn't trying to falsely claim to be Anonymous, actually still make you Anonymous? :)
our current status can't be changed with peace. We need a real tea party willing to attack the enemy.......except we don't know the enemy as our real enemy are the real anonymous ones who control our government our congress the central bank and who knows what else.

Attacking the Iowa Caucuses seems about as useless as voting.
Sounds like some media boob got Anonymous mixed up with the Occupy Uranus folks.
I did. Do you know how the caucuses work? Apparently not. How will occupying the presidential campaign headquarters in the state shut down the caucuses? The caucuses will be happening in every single voting precinct in the state. Do they plan on occupying all of them?

How the caucuses work is immaterial to your original question - which was how do they play on shutting the caucuses down.

This is what they plan on doing:
“We are calling upon you to occupy the campaign offices of presidential headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, on Dec. 27, and peacefully shut down the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3.”

The answer to your question was in the article.

Now...if you had just noted that the plan will obviously not work due to the way the caucuses are run, I wouldn't have said anything. ;)
our current status can't be changed with peace. We need a real tea party willing to attack the enemy.......except we don't know the enemy as our real enemy are the real anonymous ones who control our government our congress the central bank and who knows what else.

Attacking the Iowa Caucuses seems about as useless as voting.

If we take all our money out of banks and put them in credit unions, would be the first step in the right direction
If we take all our money out of banks and put them in credit unions, would be the first step in the right direction

Possibly but its hard to say. Considering they own, control, and manipulate the US dollar hints the name ' Federal Reserve Notes' taking their product to another bank doesn't seem to hurt their end game considering we are still using their product.

Now if step 1 was credit union and step 2 was the credit unions issues a new american currency not affiliated with the federal reserve that might be progress but that can't happen because congress wouldn't allow it if it became popular enough.

And even after step 2 that doesn't even touch on our broken tax system, having no kids and a good job I pay around 38% in taxes which has to be more than early American's were being taxed by England which caused the American Revolution and its definitely more taxes than the rich or the poor have to pay. Isn't that similar in essence to the Stamp act taxing group A more than Group B for reason XYZ?

I can't see something as small as switch to a credit union have any type of real impact on the actual problem
Possibly but its hard to say. Considering they own, control, and manipulate the US dollar hints the name ' Federal Reserve Notes' taking their product to another bank doesn't seem to hurt their end game considering we are still using their product.

Now if step 1 was credit union and step 2 was the credit unions issues a new american currency not affiliated with the federal reserve that might be progress but that can't happen because congress wouldn't allow it if it became popular enough.

And even after step 2 that doesn't even touch on our broken tax system, having no kids and a good job I pay around 38% in taxes which has to be more than early American's were being taxed by England which caused the American Revolution and its definitely more taxes than the rich or the poor have to pay. Isn't that similar in essence to the Stamp act taxing group A more than Group B for reason XYZ?

I can't see something as small as switch to a credit union have any type of real impact on the actual problem

A credit union is non-profit and owned by its members, so that is a pretty large shift. Further, not having the money concentrated in so few hands is also a shift in a positive direction. Not sure what the Fed has to do with this, but I think it could have a huge impact. Rather than massive profits going to the banks, those funds are instead funneled back to credit union members via higher deposit product rates and lower credit rates.

I agree how we collect taxes is broken - it incents the wrong behaviors - but as an overall rate, our current tax levels are fairly low. Particularly if you consider we're currently involved in two foreign wars. Not sure how many times in history a country has sent it's men to war and cut taxes at the same time.
A credit union is non-profit and owned by its members, so that is a pretty large shift. Further, not having the money concentrated in so few hands is also a shift in a positive direction. Not sure what the Fed has to do with this, but I think it could have a huge impact. Rather than massive profits going to the banks, those funds are instead funneled back to credit union members via higher deposit product rates and lower credit rates.

I agree how we collect taxes is broken - it incents the wrong behaviors - but as an overall rate, our current tax levels are fairly low. Particularly if you consider we're currently involved in two foreign wars. Not sure how many times in history a country has sent it's men to war and cut taxes at the same time.

The fed controls the circulation of money and the fed is owned by large banks such as Chase. If it has to do with money it has to do with the Fed. I could explain in more detail but this is already way off topic now and the original point I was trying to make was that Anonymous and the general population are far more powerless than they think and things like attacking Iowa Caucus is pointless. Even if they managed to accomplish something by doing this it would be so small in nature that it wouldn't have any real impact on our rulers.