Now that the dust has settled - Which FPS is the best of 2004?

Now that the dust has settled - Which FPS is the best of 2004

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[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
Now that the dust has settled around HL2...Which FPS is the best of 2004? I know there is another poll out there, but it was released right after HL2 came out...Enthusiasm/Hype may have skewed the numbers....
Much as a I loved HL2, I'm giving it to FarCry.

I didn't expect it to be as good as it was, and the "freedom" of deciding how to navigate the island was a very nice departure from the linear designs of HL2 & Doom3.

Sure, you had the same objective, but you could drive a boat, or walk in the jungle, or drive your jeep through the could snipe from afar, or get up close and take them out quietly.
HL2. It has the best MP (specifically CS:S) and the SP is good despite a story with more holes in it than a gangster in a mortuary. MP is what matters the most as SP makes up a VERY small amount of my play time.

Nobody plays MP Far Cry, Doom 3's sucks, and UT2K4 MP didn't interest me.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I guess me and 4,000 other people are nobody... *sniff* :(
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I recall the word "nobody"...

I don't even know why I'm offended. ROFL
There are currently over 313 times more people playing CS than FC. Yes, I recall the word nobody too. Maybe you take things too literally.
I had to vote Farcry.

Although Doom 3 looked good, it was a boring game for me to play.

I never have liked UT.

HL2 made me sick to my stomach (something with motion sickness). I couldnt play it so I couldnt vote for it.
kick@ss said:
There are currently over 313 times more people playing CS than FC. Yes, I recall the word nobody too. Maybe you take things too literally.

Maybe you say things too literally. :D
kick@ss said:
There are currently over 313 times more people playing CS than FC. Yes, I recall the word nobody too. Maybe you take things too literally.

that's largely because the CS community already had a HUGE player base from the original CS. Now with CS:S all the same (slightly) more grown up script kiddies are playing it. :p

I have no problems at all finding a good FC server online. Of course I can't find 10,000 of them like CS but who cares...personally I think CS sucks.
1) UT2004
2) HL2 (just from seeing it played, never played it myself)
3) FarCry (only played single player, but mildly enjoyed the parts I did play)
4) Doom 3 (never played, didn't like what I saw when I saw it played)

Ok, so maybe my previous preferences skewed my opinions of this generation of FPS games. I've been playing the UT series for years. I played a little bit of HL on the N64, and I was just never that into Doom. This time around, I pre-ordered UT, skipped HL (partially due to budget, partially due to not already being a fan, partially due to Steam), and "boycotted" Doom 3 (I don't have anything against it, I just KNOW that I won't purchase it. It's not for me.). FarCry never really had any predecessors, so I gave it a shot. Meh...

Wow, that's a lot of rambling. UT2k4 for the win! UT2k6/7 (whenever) for the Championship of teh Universe!
I'd have to vote for HL2. Far Cry would be a close second, folowed by Doom 3. I didn't dislike Doom, but I wasn't terribly impressed by it either. I only played a demo of UT 2004, so I can't really weigh in on that one.
Marduk said:
Much as a I loved HL2, I'm giving it to FarCry.

I didn't expect it to be as good as it was, and the "freedom" of deciding how to navigate the island was a very nice departure from the linear designs of HL2 & Doom3.

Sure, you had the same objective, but you could drive a boat, or walk in the jungle, or drive your jeep through the could snipe from afar, or get up close and take them out quietly.

I agree with you, even though I voted for Half-Life 2. ;)

The thing I loved most about Far Cry was, indeed, its non-linear design. Want to completely avoid the guards? Fine! Want to run them down with a buggy, rather than shoot them? That's fine too!

But I just loved the physics in Half-Life 2. Mind you, I'm a real-world physics nut, so maybe that contributes to it.

Too bad I couldn't vote them in a tie.
For me, I voted on how much I played each.

UT04 (Very fun. First intro into UT world. Liked all the MP game modes and lots of mods.)
hl2 (Free with ATI voucher. Very fun, MP is CSS and Deathmatch, full of hackers and not terribly exciting)
FC (Demo only, reviews said MP sucks so I passed on buying)
D3 (Demo, was fun but after reports of it gets old quick, well the demo got old quick)
thanks for adding ut. little late now.

but anyways UT is the best game ever..I mean its every thing a Multiplayer shooters should be and more. These games don't even come close. If u you want a DECENT single player game get hl2. Its ok...
Im totally being honest with you guys but I didnt enjoy a single one of those games to the point where I was just wowed and breathless. Dont get me wrong they were ok games just not exceptionall like I expected. Every single FPS game that was hyped to the extreme this year I didnt enjoy. None of the single player games left me wanting more once I had gone half way through the game. I still finished them (with the exception of doom). UT04 multiplayer seemed a bit boring. I still love CS:S but im finding it harder and harder to get into servers where the are no porn sprays, people telling other people to STFU and a bunch of other BS that really starts to irritate me.

I still want to try Ridick which I heard is supposed ot be good.
Heh, UT2004 has twice as many votes as doom3. :)

I voted FC, btw. I only played the singleplayer, for some reason, but I really, really liked it. Variation, the deadliness of the weapons (and the selection), the play style, it all worked well.

Doom 3 was a bit ... meh. Got a copy from shady sources, played 30 min, peeked around in god mode, uninstalled. Scary, dark, cramped and repetetive isn't my thing.

HL2 was ok, but it didn't really pull me in. The world was stunningly well made, though. CS:S is very, very polished, but I still think of it as a different game than HL2. :)
The source engine in general is capable of looking extremely good. It's by far the best of this bunch at detailed urban landscapes and people. The dry, sharp looks of it is currently unsurpassed, IMHO.

UT2004 is great fun and almost got my vote. It's very much a different game than CS:S. Slower, bigger, tactical on a different scale. Vehicles. :D
It's like playing a battle, while CS:S is more of an "operation". (Neither qualifies as a "war", though. That's seldom seen outside RTS campaigns and flight/space-sims.)
FarCry for single player. Non-linear approach, great graphics, good physics. HL2 was good eye candy. I kind of wonder what the differences between the physics engines in HL2 vs. FarCry would be. Was HL2 really that much better, or did they just spend the time to put in a gravity gun and more movable objects to play with? I was plenty impressed when I rolled a couple barrels down a hill and saw them hit a rock, then each other, just before they ran over and killed a guy in FarCry.

CS:S did not impress me either. Felt the same as previous versions.
I voted for HL2, because I have already finshed it and liked it alot. I finally bought FarCry a week ago, and am liking that alot as well. If FarCry finishes as strong as it has started, I might wanna change my vote.

Multiplayer, would hafta be UT2k4, I didn't care for HL2 or Doom MP, and have yet to be able to get Far Cry's MP to work. Keeps saying my CD key is already in use.

Hl2 sucked because the story did. Only thing good about it were the graphics but that wasn't that big either. UT2004 is a blast in multiplayer.

UT2004 here :)
Of course UT2004 has more votes then doom3. UT04 has hands down, the BEST mp on this list. I think most people overlooked UT04, missing out on a really great game and great mods(RED ORCHESTRA!). I think UT04 probably has more MP modes out of the box then the other 3 games combined. D3 isn't even the best sp game on the list.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
SP = HL2
MP = FarCry

My $0.02

Im the exact opposite, lol

HL2 single player was very nice because of the puzzles you had to figure out - plus the boat and car wear nice. But its true value is HL2 DM to me.

Farcry had better AI - Example - you could walk out in the open and be able to hide and lose attention of the bots to run to another location. HL2 once they saw you, here they come. I really liked Farcry as single player game becaause of the array of weapons, the fact you couldnt carry 15 plus guns unlike HL2, and other things like that.

In the end, thay are both great games along with UT04 (but its not really on the same page as FC and HL2) Doom 3 was horrible and Im glad I never bought that.
Yeah I never really got into UT2004, bought it finally a few months back just for playing at LAN parties, fun for that, but never got into playing it over the net. MP on HL2 was a joke at first, CS:S what just CS with better graphics, and while not bad, I didn't really dig it that much. Single palyer for HL2 was alright, I thought the gravity gun was too "gimiky" for me. I dunno I never relaly got in to the whole "pick stuff up over and over again" levels, it is Valves version of the jumping piuzzle :) . Not bad mind you, but not great. Far Cry was awesome but the saving system really killed it for me. Doom 3 had the best graphics IMHO, yes the gameplay wasn't new, but I loved Serious Sam so go figure that it wasn't a deal killer. Honestly I wasn't too impressed with the PC's FPS showing in 2004, the only FPS I relaly got into was Timesplitters on my GameCube.

But out of those choices i would go with a tie between Far Cry for its SP and Doom 3 becuse it had some real "oh shit!" moments for me :D
I think Half-Life 2 is the best overall game of the 4 listed, It has a great single player campain, nice multiplayer, HL2:DM, and counterstrike:source, so overall it wins.
HL2 for single player. UT2K4 for MP.

Doom3 was boring after I got half way into the game and the MP lacked. Farcry, the single play was one the worst I have ever played. Granted you can go about doing stuff any way you want, but the voice acting and the general story lacked. The MP also lacked.
UT2004 hands down, i played HL2 and it was fun, but the MP didn't really appeal to me at all and CS:S is out of the question ("realistic" shooters aren't that fun to me), so i pretty much played UT2004 since the demo came out and i still play it (the full version that is) every now and then...i just got Far Cry (came with my XFX 7800GT) and i'm gonna play that once i can get my new comp together (and i'll probably get Doom3 and possibly the expansion just because i want a change of pace, and i can get it for pretty cheap now anyway)...