Nvidia GPU heatsink for a SN25P?


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2006

I just recently discovered that (I believe) the reason why some games start to run very slow after a few minutes of play is because my 7900GT in the SN25P overheats. I alt-tabbed very quick one time when Crysis went to about 1fps and discovered that the temperature of the GPU was 117C, which I imagine is pretty damn bad :) I don't really have many options in terms of heat reduction at this point.. either I change the card of I improve the cooling.

What are my options? I think I could try to improve the cooling of the VGA by swapping the original heatsink with an improved one, but the big question here is: Is it going to fit at all inside such a small case? I know for sure that one slot cards usually fit and I don't think the big waffles (such as the GTX) do. Are there any solid coolers out there?

Thank you!
I have a sn25p, and I used my 7900gs in there for about a year with mild overclocking. I never had any issues with overheating during gaming. As far as I know, any standard GPU cooler should fit unless you have anything in the PCI slot. The only thing I would be worried about is some rubbing on the HDD bay.