NVIDIA Starts Disinformation GPP Campaign


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Interesting rumors are now coming out that "Kyle was paid" big bucks for breaking the NVIDIA GPP story. And apparently NVIDIA's disinformation campaign to discredit the story around GPP is rubbing some folks the wrong way. Elric mentions below that "his name is also Brian," so I have to assume that PR at NVIDIA is starting this nastiness. No, I did not get paid for GPP, but I wish I would have. Hell, AMD even gave credit to PCPer for breaking story in its Freedom promo video. Interesting thoughts from Elric below.

Check out the video.

Also worth mentioning is that I can tell you for sure that two of the things that NVIDIA told me about GPP are simply lies. Brian Burke of NVIDIA told me this about GPP before we wrote our initial story:

There is no commitment to make any monetary payments, or discounts for being part of the program.

That is a lie. I have it in writing that is not true. NVIDIA is withholding MDF monies as well as rebates and discounts if you don't go GPP. I have had conversations with people that have confirmed exactly what I have in writing.

NVIDIA is quickly painting itself into a corner, and I can say is that the silence from NVIDIA is deafening, and the rest of us know that too. If GPP was so great for the consumer as NVIDIA states, it would have already put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a PR campaign instead of going silent and telling the tech world it has "moved on" from the GPP story. They want this to just die and go away. Telling fellow journalists in the community that I am a paid mouthpiece of AMD is not below NVIDIA, and that is just a shame. And apparently some other folks don't like the way they are handling all of this either.

But at the end of the day, if the worst thing NVIDIA can say about me is that I get paid to tell the truth, I guess I can live with that.
This is the one thing that I've always loved about [H], there is no fanboy-esque approach to your journalism. Just straight up telling it how it is and any enthusiasm is truly legit.

All in all, your haters make you famous!
I'm going to guess that Nvidia will be sending you pretty much nothing to review going forward lol. Nvidia is simply too big to give a shit at the moment. They'll get a slap on the wrist at best but will continue their shady ways since AMD simply can't do anything about it.
I'm going to guess that Nvidia will be sending you pretty much nothing to review going forward lol. Nvidia is simply too big to give a shit at the moment. They'll get a slap on the wrist at best but will continue their shady ways since AMD simply can't do anything about it.
No reasons there to not shed light on it however. I have a few other amusing stories I could share about this whole GPP thing, and the way NVIDIA is brushing it off as nothing, but they are railing about it internally to keep the discussion at a minimum.
I really hope AMD can come out with a killer new GPU that will bury Nvidia in the hole they have dug themselves.

Amd needs a GTX1060 killer, that'd put the nail in coffin as thats where the biggest market is.
Kyle, as you and Elric have alluded to, if things smell so rosy over at NV with GPP then why aren't they proclaiming this great new era?

All the power to you man! If not for you I wouldn't have had a clue what was happening down the road.

I love the cards I have now but I've got some serious doubts if I'll be buying green again. Only time and ethical action by them will change me back.
I don't get it. To me this is a hyped non story. It's all about branding. Nvidia isn't saying anyone can't make or sell AMD gpus, they just don't want them in the same bucket.

AMD is upset because they can't ride the coat tails of a better product.

Nvidia is upset because there's a fly in their soup.

That basically sums it up.
I know I keep bringing this up and I can feel many groan 'not this again. . . .uggg!' but honestly if AMD could simply incorporate mgpu support that doesn't rely on game support it would end this strategy real quick. Two or three of their current best cards could easily outperform a single x80 or x80TI and people like me would happily invest into it. Sure we all would like the single gpu solution that does all and honestly its just really feeding NV's greed. Deny them that strategy and they'll crumple like a house of cards.
I don't get it. To me this is a hyped non story. It's all about branding. Nvidia isn't saying anyone can't make or sell AMD gpus, they just don't want them in the same bucket.

AMD is upset because they can't ride the coat tails of a better product.

Nvidia is upset because there's a fly in their soup.

That basically sums it up.
If that is how you see NVIDIA taking over brands established by other companies as their own, then sure.
I know I keep bringing this up and I can feel many groan 'not this again. . . .uggg!' but honestly if AMD could simply incorporate mgpu support that doesn't rely on game support it would end this strategy real quick. Two or three of their current best cards could easily outperform a single x80 or x80TI and people like me would happily invest into it. Sure we all would like the single gpu solution that does all and honestly its just really feeding NV's greed. Deny them that strategy and they'll crumple like a house of cards.
On that note, all they have to do is build a GPU that is better... Its not like there are billions of active components inside these gpus arranged in some magical way that makes them display electronic images of 3 dimensional scenes. Kindergarten classes should be able to do this.
There's no 'Stormy Daniels'-type deals that Nvidia could use against you, is there?

It seems like only yesterday that the AMD Reddit was hating on you - you really need to decide who you're shilling for, Bennett.

reddit is always hating on kyle, either it's the amd fanboys, radeon fanboy's, intel fanboy's or nvidia fanboy's.. worrying about what people say on reddit is a poor use of time and energy.
On that note, all they have to do is build a GPU that is better... Its not like there are billions of active components inside these gpus arranged in some magical way that makes them display electronic images of 3 dimensional scenes. Kindergarten classes should be able to do this.

And the drivers, it's all plain text in the source code - we've been making files with just text for years. What's the problem man? Maybe not enough brackets and semicolons?
Fucking dispicable is the only word I can come up with.
That’s great! Except dispicable isn’t a word.

Sorry I’m only poking fun because you’re staff and post news with your own written blurbs. Lord knows I’m not good with grammar myself.

Kyle: the hero we need....and frankly probably the hero we deserve as well. Let’s face it we’re a buncha jerks and so is he. Perfect.

You mean maybe something like the RX580?
Interesting factoid. That article is a year old today!
Interesting factoid. That article is a year old today!

Wait is there a new version of the 1060 ? lol

The point is as far as performance and MSRP pricing goes AMD has a legit answer to every single NV card save the 1080ti. But that was a choice to not play the figure head card game. Each company used to go back and forth binning their yields to the point of stupidity to release a a bit higher stock clocked card and claim the crown. AMD did the logical thing and said this is stupid, we don't care if you have the fastest card on the planet with no stock anywhere. (granted NV seems to be shipping 1080tis decently these days... that doesn't make it any less a reaction to V64 release) AMD could have binned the v64s a bit more and released a card to do battle with the 1080tis... but why NV could perhaps find a way to release a 1085 and all AMD would be doing is eating the supply of chips they are using in Radeon Pro 9100 / SSG cards which they are also having a hard time supplying due to demand (the radeon pros have the quatro cards beaten down right now easily for anyone dealing with 8k video or large data set 3D work)

The main issue AMD has right now in relation to gamers... is their cards are also hands down the better mining cards. (no I don't blame AMD for adding mining features to their drivers... like it or not that market is also a perfectly viable one). Getting an AMD card even 580s or V56s at MSRP is next to impossible we all know that. Yes its silly that the market wants = or more $ for v64 as 1080ti if your looking at the pricing through the eyes of a gamer, through the eyes of a miner that makes perfect sense the V64 is the better compute card.
The thing I don't understand is why push gpp? It seems greedy and pointless to try to over push your advantage unless amd has something coming that they might be worried about?

I imagine it what done by somebody with some clout there, with the negative press and attention the program has been receiving (and Nvidia's silence on the subject), you'd think they would've killed it or 'clarified' the program (to make it seem less anti-competitive). Or perhaps they know something about their competitors (AMD + Intel) that we don't.
As long as their stock continues to go up and make me money, who the fuck cares.

Get off your GPP mountain already and move on. I’ve been coming to this site since the 90s or so and it’s gotten away from news and gone pure editorial in every single post you guys link as “news”. Everything thing you guys post has some damn comment about the story. Look at Bluesnews, they don’t have an opinion on anything they post. Just facts. It’s like NBC nightly news on this site.
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I don't get it. To me this is a hyped non story. It's all about branding. Nvidia isn't saying anyone can't make or sell AMD gpus, they just don't want them in the same bucket.

AMD is upset because they can't ride the coat tails of a better product.

Nvidia is upset because there's a fly in their soup.

That basically sums it up.

The idea that AMD was 'riding on the coattails' of Nvidia is fanboy ideology. Nobody 'mistakes' a Strix 580 for a Strix 1060. Asus built that brand. Asus designs manufactures the PCBs, designs and manufactures the cooling, designs and manufactures the power delivery, the packaging, the marketing.

The chip and only the chip is the part that the OEM did not design, manufacture and distribute.

The difference between an ROG 1060 and an Aurous 1060 is not the 1060 part. The thing that sways the customer choice is the branding of the manufacturer, The features, build and reliability of the manufactured product. The GPU silicon is easily the least significant part of the equation when it comes to comparing the quality of a brand versus another.

This GPP is basically Nvidia trying as hard as they can to kick AMD off of the quality, gamer-oriented branding. Not because they want 'transparency' but because they don't want AMD associated with quality. When they force OEMs to not include AMD in their gamer-oriented branding,
The idea that AMD was 'riding on the coattails' of Nvidia is fanboy ideology. Nobody 'mistakes' a Strix 580 for a Strix 1060. Asus built that brand. Asus designs manufactures the PCBs, designs and manufactures the cooling, designs and manufactures the power delivery, the packaging, the marketing.

The chip and only the chip is the part that the OEM did not design, manufacture and distribute.

The difference between an ROG 1060 and an Aurous 1060 is not the 1060 part. The thing that sways the customer choice is the branding of the manufacturer, The features, build and reliability of the manufactured product. The GPU silicon is easily the least significant part of the equation when it comes to comparing the quality of a brand versus another.

This GPP is basically Nvidia trying as hard as they can to kick AMD off of the quality, gamer-oriented branding. Not because they want 'transparency' but because they don't want AMD associated with quality. When they force OEMs to not include AMD in their gamer-oriented branding,

If Nvidia cared so much about "customer confusion" or whatever bullshit then they should be the ones offering to lead up a new sub-brand, not forcing companies to surrender their own brand to Nvidia's control and demands.
Yeah AMD payed kyle, i may be wrong but isnt amd still upset with [H] and not sending them review samples ??

ill never understand big business, to me all nvidia needs to do is just keep releasing great graphic chips and they will continue to keep raking in the dough . but i guess thats not good enough anymore and you have to manipulate the market just because making killer gpus is not enough to keep you busy .
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With all of the information out right now, I would really like to hear an opinion from an attorney that specializes in this. We have to take classes at work all the time on what is legal and illegal when dealing with different companies across the world, and I can tell you that this would definitely fall under the illegal category.