OC'in Cedar Mills


Dec 12, 2005
How good, if at all, are the P4 Cedar Mills at overclockin'? I've got a 3.2 Cedar Mill that I'm tempted to play with when my new board arrives.

- JT
Heh, nevermind. I just realized I should have asked this in the OC'in forum, heh! DUH!

- JT
They are probably the best oc'ing Intel, or any other brand, you can get. I've got a 352 celly d cedar mill, a 336 celly prescott, and waiting on a 630 p4 cedar mill for some ln2 benching. The 352 will do 1m pi on air with stock vcore at 4.8ghz, the 336 does it at 4.2ghz, hopefully the 630 will be better. 6hz should be easy for most cedar mills on ln2, with 7ghz very likey, the wr is a little over 8ghz with a 630.
They are probably the best oc'ing Intel, or any other brand, you can get. I've got a 352 celly d cedar mill, a 336 celly prescott, and waiting on a 630 p4 cedar mill for some ln2 benching. The 352 will do 1m pi on air with stock vcore at 4.8ghz, the 336 does it at 4.2ghz, hopefully the 630 will be better. 6hz should be easy for most cedar mills on ln2, with 7ghz very likey, the wr is a little over 8ghz with a 630.

Wow 4.2 GHz :eek: I don't have a "cedar mills" at the moment, but I have a "Celey" 346 in my closet, when I was using it I can honestly say it was one easy OC'ing SOB and I've heard the new "cedar mills" cpus are one OC'ing "motherfriggers"".
This thread brings the funny.

Or get a core2 that will annihilate the Cedar mill at a half the clock speed :)
Or get a core2 that will annihilate the Cedar mill at a half the clock speed :)

Yeah, I have to agree the C2D's are some fantastic chips, but not everyone has the budget for the upgrade to them and others simply just don't want to. I assumed (my mistake) the OP was doing some OC'ing on the new 65 mm (512 cache instead of 256 cache) "Celeys" by choice. I have 5x C2D's 2x E6600's, a E6420 (like many people I ordered it even before it was officially released, it's not a ES chip), a E6400 and a E6300 all folding 24/7. The E6600's are both OC'ed to 3.2 GHz (at a cooler running, I can get 3.6 GHz out of one chip, but I have to use too much vcore for 24/7 running IMO) 1.40 vcore, my E6420 is OC'ed to just 3.0 GHz (ditto on the vcore), my E6400 is OC'ed to a mere 2.6 GHz (in a AW9D-MAX mobo, also ditto on the vcore) and my E6300 ATM is in a Asrock 775DUAL-VSTA mobo (a great "interim" board IMO) and the best I can get out of it is mere 2.1 GHz There's no adjustment for vcore in BIOS and I'm awaiting another Biostar TForce P965 mobo (one of my E6600's is in a TForce and the other is in a P5B Dlx mobo, I've had good luck with the much cheaper TForce motherboard) I'm running the Linux SMP client "native" on all my rigs but one. I have experimented with Ubuntu 64 6.04, 6.10 and 7.04. I've also folded with Mephis 64 bit, but I like Ubuntu 64 better I have one rig (E6600) running XP and will soon be VISTA Home Premium as soon as my 2 GB's of PC6400 RAM arrive. (I heard VISTA liked RAM) Like I said I agee completely with the assumption a C2D would be faster, but maybe not doable for everyone. Come on Q3, I see a quad with my name on it. ;)

Edit: I just read the post below mine and the OP is right IMO. A freakin' almost "allendale" for $70 bucks. (hard to beat)
wait for the pentium e2xxx to come out. they'll be at real attractive prices, and will be half neutered allendales at around $70. hell of a deal, and not that big a hit from a true allendale, which in turn isn't that big a hit from a full conroe.

should o/c to the lower 3's as well. can't beat it :)
Yeah, no Sillyron here. Running a 65nm P4 (HT 2MB L2), I like it so much because it runs so cool. It is currently sitting at 20C as I type this. It works fine for me, no need to upgrade just yet.. maybe in Q4.

I do have a Sillyron (331 Prescott) sitting on the shelf though, doubt I'll ever be able to sell it though as the current retail price is something like $26. FTW, I never thought I'd see the day when CPUs were so damn cheap.

- JT
This thread brings the funny.

Or get a core2 that will annihilate the Cedar mill at a half the clock speed :)

I have a couple of cd2 systems..... you would have to be an overclocker to understand what this thread is about :rolleyes:
I got a cheap 3GHz Cedar Mill and an ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA to replace a dead Abit IC7 in my second box. Used the DDR1 and AGP card I already had, and replace the CPU/Mobo. This motherboard does not allow vcore changes - I was able to overclock my 3GHz Cedar Mill to 3.8GHz, stable, at stock voltage. Very impressed with both this board, and incredibly cheap CPU. Blows away anything AMD offers in the "I can't afford Core 2" price-range. :p

This thread brings the funny.

Or get a core2 that will annihilate the Cedar mill at a half the clock speed :)

A Core 2 will cost close to twice as much as this CPU. Way out of my budget for a secondary box, and most likely out of the OP's budget if he is asking this. ;)