OCZ Agility Series 60GB SSD - $134 AR FS

thanks op! in for one! now I can finally see what the big deal is about these ssd's!
Anyone noticed how this is becoming more and more the common AR price? There was a sale in Feb that did this, two sales in March, and now already in early April? I'm not complaining, but it makes me wonder if regular prices won't be lower soon.

That's what happened before the $160 pricepoint before rebate became normal. OCZ was routinely knocking the price down to $160-170 AR back in Dec, Jan. Now that's the regular price. I guess the Intel drives being at the low $200's is making OCZ price these drives to move.

I wonder where $130 60gb, <$100 30gb drives leave Obsidian to be priced...
These have been as low as $125-$129. This deal is decent, but not fantastic.
I bought one of the Agility's the last sale, and it shipped with the latest firmware: 1.5, just so people know.
I want to do that too. But these rebates are limited to 1 drive per house hold. I rather wait until I can get that price without rebate.

true, but with the rebate for one and the coupon code, its a pretty darn good deal.
Found this on overcloking.net.

This is with two of these in RAID 0


I assume even one of these is worth it? Just not sure if I want to buy this w/out getting W7. That would be another $100 then.
at 500 MB/sec read, who cares about losing 20% performance over time with no trim?
I assume even one of these is worth it? Just not sure if I want to buy this w/out getting W7. That would be another $100 then.

It's worth it to get it even if your OS doesn't support trim. Make sure that you align it correctly. If you know linux you can use fdisk with the "u" option to partition in sectors & start it at 2048.

If you can get a win7 trial or something, win7 will align automatically when it makes the partition. If you only have/use XP I think there is a way to do it...but I don't remember how (since I don't use XP). Check on the OCZ forums and I'm sure it's posted there.
I have a copy of Vista Ultimate (64bit) that I am currently using. The closest I have to Win 7 is the last RC they had out. I may just pickup a copy of Win 7 OEM.