Official Dell 2707WFP Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

Well I see that some peeps finally added more information after me. I have been using my 2707WFP for about a week now with my XFX7800 GS video card and it is just fine with this monitor. I love my new set-up. I am using it with MS FS2004 and it works great. I actually get dizzy sometimes looking out the window while flying lol. The screen was pretty bright so I turned it down to 25 and all is fine. You can really notice the color difference between this monitor and my older Dell 1901 sitting next to it. The color is so much more vibrant on the 2707. And yes, if I stick my nose right next to the screen I can see the pixels but from an arms lenght away, I can not. Who puts their nose on the monitor while using it anyway lol? I do not regret the purchase at all and I came from a Dell 2001 running at 1600 x 1200. Oh and the price dropped right after I purchased it and Dell credited me for the difference. Way to go!

LouP :) :D

So you just set the color to 25 ?? What about contrast ?? any other changes either or kept everything else default ??
I got this display today. Everything is good... Except It has a very faint buzz sound during standby mode!!! :eek: Is it normal for you guys? Should I exchange another one?

UPDATE: This morning the humming sound was gone. I guess there is some sort of "break-in" period. I really hope this sound doesn't come back.

I got my 2707 yesterday, I like it better than my old 2407HC but I will exchange it since I got 1 dead pixel, some scratches on the frame and is 1-2mm lower to the right.

My question , I tried to adjust the ratio to 1:1 in games but this option is allways grey out ?? I got no problem with my 2407HC. What is the trick ? thanks
I got my 2707 yesterday, I like it better than my old 2407HC but I will exchange it since I got 1 dead pixel, some scratches and is 1-2mm lower to the right.

My question , I tried to adjust the ratio to 1:1 in games but this option is allways grey out ?? I got no problem with my 2407HC. What is the trick ? thanks

scratch on the screen?! what's the best way to spot scratches? my screen is a bit dirty now due to my oily fingers. hard to spot anything under this kind of condition.
scratch on the screen?! what's the best way to spot scratches? my screen is a bit dirty now due to my oily fingers. hard to spot anything under this kind of condition.

maybe you should stop putting them in your a$$
Question: If the Samsung 275T and Dell 2707WFP use the same panel (as has been claimed here and on other forums), how can the 275T's dynamic contrast ratio be 3000:1 while the 2707's is 1000:1?
I got my 2407 like a year ago and I kept sending it back because I always got the A02 when a lot of people were getting A03 revisions. I finally got the A03 and have been pretty happy ever since, except for minor banding in the lower left of the screen. I am now thinking of getting another one and am wondering what the latest revision is and if the banding is fixed.
red pixel, in the middle of the screen, so one dead pixel that appear the second day, one stuck red pixel after 3 days, what's next ? I got this monitor janurary 3rd ???
red pixel, in the middle of the screen, so one dead pixel that appear the second day, one stuck red pixel after 3 days, what's next ? I got this monitor janurary 3rd ???
RMA it until Dell sends one you're satisfied with. That's what I did with my first 2405 and my current 2407. If I take the plunge on the 3008, I'll RMA it 'til they send one I like.
I'm very unlucky, the second unit was pixel perfect, but emit a very annoying noise from the power supply. Also the monitor was doing cracking and popping sound when heating up and cooling down... Anyway a third one is en route....

Well I got my third 2707 and the PSU still emit this annoying hum noise. Friday I'm buying the Samsung 275T and let you know the result. So if noise doesn't bother you, it's really a great monitor.

Finally !! SAMSUNG ALL THE WAY !!! I sent back the Dell and must add that Dell customer service is really great. In the end Samsung look better with DVI, no noise, black frame for me look better than silver frame. More controls but it's not perfect since no 1:1, neither as the Dell, but your video card can do it.
Well just checking in after not doing so in a while. All I changed on my 2707 was the brightness as it was just too bright with the factory settings. Everything else looked great to me. I don't understand the issues I've read here. I still have no hum or any other noise and no dead pixels. Makes me wonder sometimes. And yes, I am still loving this monitor and have not seen anything come close to it yet in any of the places I shop. My sister got a 22 inch no name and was bragging about the good deal she got but I did not have the heart to tell her that it looked like a TN display to me. I guess when you have nothing to compare your unit too, being less than perfect doesn't bother you. I am still amazed when I compare the pitcure next to the 19 inch Dell sitting beside the 2707.

but if you pay 1000 bucks for less than perfect then that hurts, I guess.
I've heard that this monitor is a wide gamut monitor and thus closer to the aRGB, not sRGB color space. Is that true?

If so, is there a separate preset for sRGB mode? If so, how well does it work?

For those with the 2707, have you had problems using this wide gamut monitor with web images or non-color aware apps?

Were you able to calibrate the 2707 to be close to the sRGB space? If so, how did you do the calibration (what monitor settings did you use and what calibration software/hardware did you use)?

I'd love to get this size monitor (not a 24" or 30") but have read about so many problems with wide gamut monitors (such as this and the NEC 2690).
The only thing that stops me from getting this is possible input lag. I have come from a 2405fpw, and don't know how much lag that had, but I definately want less.

Does anyone who owned a 2405fpw and a 2707wfp/ someone with extensive experiance with different screens have any info on this lag, because most people denied the 2405's lag, and it is so obviously there.
After using the DoubleSight 26" IPS panel I would safely say that I would prefer a DS over a Dell 2707 any given day. Lower cost, a higher quality panel and less than one frame of lag. These things are too good to be ignored.
Has anyone paired a 2707WFP with a 2007FP? If so, do they match up well height wise?
Another side note, I recently added a PPU to my rig because I started to get involved with the GRAW series. Still see no lag on my 2707 but what do I know. Still loving my monitor after all this time (sounds like a song). And on top of that, I can't tell you how many ooos and ahhs I have gotten when people take a close look at the thing. I don't know what else I can say that hasn't been said already. I am sure someone that doesn't even own one or has even tried it will come along now and trash it now, but that's OK, I'll still be enjoying mine.

just received my 2707 2 days ago :), awesome monitor !! no problems at all .(no dead pixels,no strange wine, and very little heat ) , i upgraded from a 2405 , there is way less input lag , along with way better colors. games look even better then they did on 2405 (no blocky pixels !) well worth the investment at $800 :eek:
Good news bc_tileguy :)

The input lag on the 2405fpw isn't awful, but really did get annoying compared to my CRT. If the 2707wfp feels much better like you say, seems like it's my next monitor :D
alright i have to ask. How did you get it for $800?

I've been waiting for this monitor to come down in price. it doesn't seem to budge though.

just received my 2707 2 days ago :), awesome monitor !! no problems at all .(no dead pixels,no strange wine, and very little heat ) , i upgraded from a 2405 , there is way less input lag , along with way better colors. games look even better then they did on 2405 (no blocky pixels !) well worth the investment at $800 :eek:
@ bc_tileguy

Could you please inform what revision number you got, and where it is manufactured. (It's printed in the back)

I just got a Rev. A01 produced in Poland in March. I had a talk with Dell to have it exchanged because of the left side of the screen being much brighter than the rest, and the power supply buzzing too much.

So I got an other ticket in the panel lottery :rolleyes: I am holding my breath till the replacement...
I wonder if someone here knows how to enter the hidden service menu on a 2707WFP ?
Hi Jens

it's a A01 (made in china) and nope i don't know how to enter the hidden service menu , good luck with your new monitor
How is the picture quality at 1680x1050 ?? Probably it'll be my most used resolution playing games... Thanks everybody!!! ;)
if you want to play new games you will need to upgrade !i don't know how the image quality is at 1680x1050 i run it at 1920x1200 , image quality is awesome at that res !
i'm running dual hd 3870's soon to be hd 4870's
Is my ATI Radeon X800 video card suitable for this monitor or would I need to upgrade?

It depends on which games you play and what resolution you use currently. RTS game would still be able to run on an X800 but FPS would require an upgrade to atleast an 9600GT or a 4850 to be on the safe side.
Jumped on this Monday. $799 - $100 concession coupon from the XPS1530 deal a while back and 4% off using DPA trick = $722 shipped after taxes!!

Got it in today...amazing. No dead pixels or anything.
I tried to read thro all the messages in this thread but I still have this question.
I have a 2707WFP and I want to get 1080P from a xbox360.My understanding is that 2707WFP is 1080P capable only with DVI input.
Obviously xbox360 only has component,so here's my question;
If I buy a simple DVI to Component adapter/cable such as this one would I be able to get 1080P on my monitor?
or perhaps it's more complicated (digital vs analog) and I would need a pricey converter (in which case it's not really worth it).
I tried to read thro all the messages in this thread but I still have this question.
I have a 2707WFP and I want to get 1080P from a xbox360.My understanding is that 2707WFP is 1080P capable only with DVI input.
Obviously xbox360 only has component,so here's my question;
If I buy a simple DVI to Component adapter/cable such as this one would I be able to get 1080P on my monitor?
or perhaps it's more complicated (digital vs analog) and I would need a pricey converter (in which case it's not really worth it).
I use the MS VGA cable for Xbox360. It works perfectly on the 2707 at 1080P. The VGA also provides a clearer picture and doesn't trim off the outer 10% of the screen like the component signal does.
Hey Guys,

I bought my Dell 2707WFP off of ebay in 07. Recently, I there were a ton of little black dots on my monitor. My friend thinks that I sneezed on my monitor and my mucus was overly acidic so I burnt holes in it :eek: Anyways, I got a great deal that included a 3 year accidental damage warranty. I just recevied my replacement, and I got something odd. I received a "Dell 2707WFPc". It is an A01 revision, much like my previous 2707WFP minus the extra c at the end. Does anyone know if this is a new model and what the changes are?