Official October 2008 NPD Result

not really if there are only 25 million 360s out there lol

If you look at it that way, then yes :) Considering there is about 6,720,000,000 people in the world, the odds are Tiger (an avid gamer) has never met, seen, talked to or heard of anyone who has owned, played or seen an Xbox 360.

I stand corrected!
If you look at it that way, then yes :) Considering there is about 6,720,000,000 people in the world, the odds are Tiger (an avid gamer) has never met, seen, talked to or heard of anyone who has owned, played or seen an Xbox 360.

I stand corrected!

Now your changing the boundaries Hedon. The claim was everyone knows someone with a 360...not everyone you meet, see or talk to. Now unlike you (obviously) I don't actually know everyone I meet, see or talk too.

Actually....tell I lie. The person who sat 4 cars in front of me whilst I dropped my wife at work this morning has a 360. God I'm SO stupid :rolleyes: :D
Little Big Planet for PS3 is definitely innovative and fun, but it caters to the same crowd as Wii owners. Unfortunately the PS3 is seen as overpriced to that audience. "Hardcore" gamers will buy Resistance 2 or Fallout instead. It's a good game on the wrong system in terms of demographics IMO. I hope I'm wrong and November sales for LBP shoots through the roof, but that is my assessment so far.

This is a good point/idea. Imagine the craziness if LBP was a Wii exclusive...:eek:
PS3 will get mopped the floor with the new dashboard update, Gears/Fable/Fallout. Oh well, I guess the Playstation has next gen to actually compete with the Xbox.
I notice the Wii is still in stock at Amazon... November numbers are going to be insane x 10.
PS3 will get mopped the floor with the new dashboard update, Gears/Fable/Fallout. Oh well, I guess the Playstation has next gen to actually compete with the Xbox.

It's not so much that the ps3 is not competing with the xbox, because they are if you look at sales. What's crazy is that if 3 years ago you said "the next playstation will be selling slightly less than the next xbox", after the ps2 had so thoroughly destroyed the competition.
That's pretty much the thing though. As a HD console the PS3 is selling ok... it's only selling badly as the follow up to the 130m selling PS2.
That's pretty much the thing though. As a HD console the PS3 is selling ok... it's only selling badly as the follow up to the 130m selling PS2.

Which wouldn't be so bad for sony if:
1. they hadn't spent all of their ps2 profits on the ps3
2. they had lower hardware costs and higher software attach
PS3 will get mopped the floor with the new dashboard update, Gears/Fable/Fallout. Oh well, I guess the Playstation has next gen to actually compete with the Xbox.

Ehh, I LOVE the new dashboard update and could not wait to get over to a friends house to play with it and tell him what he could do, and where different things are at etc. In the end, I prefer the simpleness of the XMB. Each has their plus and minus but I typically like my "desktop" screen to be very bare. If I could hide the XMB on the home screen I would. I still feel NXE is cluttered but in a good design friendly way.

It's not so much that the ps3 is not competing with the xbox, because they are if you look at sales. What's crazy is that if 3 years ago you said "the next playstation will be selling slightly less than the next xbox", after the ps2 had so thoroughly destroyed the competition.

I agree. That E3 conference started to change alot of perceptions.