Official PAYDAY™ The Heist thread


Oct 16, 2009
Didn't see any current threads on this recent game, so here it is.

Co-op FPS replayability at its best! Did that grab your attention yet?

I was hesitant about buying this game, but after reading the official Steam forums, it seems to be getting near universal acclaim of outright fun. After buying and getting about 10 hours of gameplay under my belt, it was a $20 very well spent.

It's strictly a coop game, something sorely lacking in today's FPS scene. Many have compared it to Left 4 Dead without zombies. Basically, you and 3 others take part in different "heists," bank heist, diamond heist, kidnapping heist, etc. With endless swarms of CPU cops. There are many different kinds of zombies, I mean cops, with heavily armored SWAT units, to tazer-wielding smokers I mean cops that can grab you instantly, big tank "bosses", I mean, "bulldozers" and so on. The best part of the game is the reps system, which is essentially a level up system with experience points. For doing specific missions and such, you earn "cash" which is basically XP. You can even do challenges to get a bonus cash boost. You can't spend this cash, it's sole purpose is as an XP replacement. There are also dozens and dozens of class specific upgrades that you need to follow through a tech tree at every XP milestone. (There are three classes, Assault, Support and Sniper).

Gameplay wise, the game shines its brightest. Damage model can be unforgiving at times, with limitless hoards of cops harassing your position while you wait for the drill to open the safe. I leaped for joy when it reminded me of the old SWAT3 and SWAT4 days (but in reverse) with its hard difficulty. Gunfights are satisfying, I found combat much more enjoyable and engaging than in Rage. Getting three other competent players to play through the many heists included in the game is a co-op blast.

Graphically, they are serviceable, and it looks like an average Source game. But the biggest disappointment is the stiff animations. Guns don't recoil on third person cameras, and movement seems quite stiff and awkward. There aren't many graphical settings you can tweak yet, but the developers promised to implement these later.

Some cons I desperately need to point out:

Game does not support custom color profiles. When the game launches in full screen, it reverts back to ugly default colors.

Voicecomm is only implemented with open mic. Hopefully, push to talk will be put in place soon.

No fullscreen windowed mode

Singleplayer with AI mode is next to useless

That's all I can think for now.
Well worth it even now at $20. I've really enjoying it.

Awesome communication back and forth between the devs and gaming community. See the Steam forum for this game as an example.

Pretty much all the complaints they're well aware of and are/will be issuing patches and such. I'm confident this game is only going to get better.

Closest thing to Heat: The Videogame I've ever seen.
I have no friends so co-op really doesn't work for me.

I have tried the "Play with anyone" option many times with good results. A few times we ended up with some players that were clueless, but overall it was a good experience.
Interesting, I may try that out then. My last "play with anyone" type of experience was in Borderlands and it just sucked.
I only do "Play with anyone"

Most of the time it's fine. Occasionally our team sucks, but its rare. Most of the time its the host disconnect problem.
I was curious about the game but since there isn't a demo on Steam so I played the PS3 demo. I really didn't think it was all that great. It just felt like all you did was wait for one task to finish while you shoot down cops then rinse and repeat. I'm sure with leveling up gear and playing with people you know would make it a lot better, and because of that I won't be buying this till it's on a crazy sales price like $5 or less so that I can just buy a 4 pack to share with my friends.
The game has some serious kinks in the netcode. We were consistently having weirdness during games regardless of the host, but when things work it's pretty fun. Chaotic, but fun,
Anyone playing this since the Steam sale? Pretty fun, but can be hard as shit and confusing as hell in the beginning. My friends and I have successfully completed the first and third mission, couldn't finish the second and third. If anyone wants to play, add me on steam: hexus0
Is anyone else having issues with this game? I just bought it today and the game crashes as soon as I launch it. It acts as if it is going to launch, screen turns black, then I go back straight to desktop. I tried updating directX, launching game from folder, verifying integrity files on steam, defragged catch files, updated ati drivers to newest ones and still can't open it.

This is really annoying. ;(


I have fixed my problem. Seems that the newest physX drivers (9.11 something) weren't working that well. I found a thread here that listed some 9.09 something drivers that worked better with this game. I can finally play it after installing the older drivers! Hope this helps anyone that has this problem in the future!
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Yeah, I luckily have a group of 4 friends that plays with me everytime. It's a fun game for $20 bucks. Well worth it too.
This game is supposed to go on sale on Amazon this week for $4.99 (according to an Amazon rep). Any more opinions since it has been out for a while? Have they patched it or anything?
I thought this was quite good despite being a horribly consolized port, it had a very L4D feel about it being on the same engine and using a lot of the same ideas such as player highlighting through walls. The lack of options for the PC is a massive problem though.

We played at LAN it wasn't amongst our faves, the biggest problem was the difficulty on some missions, some of them are just crazy difficult, in one mission you're pushing along a road and you're in this ridiculous fire fight with enemies pouring in from all sides, even with 4 pretty damn good players we were getting shot to pices, I can't imagine 4 casual or newb players getting more than 20 feet in that particular map.

Biggest complaint with this game and the other recent coop games is that it's limited to 4 players which automatically puts it near the bottom of our list of coop games despite being fairly good fun.
Should have called this game "Reload" because that's all you get done doing. I've completed all maps in coop and would give it a 4 out of 10.
Fun game. I'm pretty sure they've patched it and kept up with it. Well worth getting.
The sale is now up on Amazon, PAYDAY for $4.99 and it registers on Steam, just picked it up. Lots of other games on sale, too. Looks fun!
The sale is now up on Amazon, PAYDAY for $4.99 and it registers on Steam, just picked it up. Lots of other games on sale, too. Looks fun!

Everyone should be buying this without hesitation at a price like that. Frankly, I like it better in some ways then the Left 4 Dead games.

When it came out I think it's full price was what? $20-$25? I had no regrets paying that much for it and I'd do it again.

It's the closest thing to a good Heat:The Videogame we'll probably ever get.
Ok, just played a quick round with AI (waiting for a friend to finish downloading for some MP) and it was probably one of the most enjoyable 20 minutes of video gaming ever. I freaking loved it. I'm pretty excited to crank the difficulty and add some proper teammates.
I'll download this when I get home tonight, sounds fun. Just realized my new system doesn't have steam yet! I'll have to get back into cs 1.6 or source :)
Ok, just played a quick round with AI (waiting for a friend to finish downloading for some MP) and it was probably one of the most enjoyable 20 minutes of video gaming ever. I freaking loved it. I'm pretty excited to crank the difficulty and add some proper teammates.

Go try to pub Diamond Heist. :p
Really liking this game so far, it appears to have been very under-rated. A few of my friends picked it up and we're having a blast. It's pretty challenging (at least at the levels we're at). Really, really glad I got it. It's like a mix between L4D (less asshats though, since it's all co-op), Killing Floor, and your favorite heist movies.

Good stuff, highly recommended and still on sale for the rest of the week on Amazon (it was even #3 video game seller out of everything, including console sales!).
Fantastic game. Wreck's right. Underrated and a bit overlooked. Hopefully this great sale rectifies that a bit more.

I will be hosting and holding a Payday the Heist event for [H]ardGaming, I hope you gentlemen in this thread who have the game and those who buy the game on sale decide to participate, it will be a great way to have teammates who will cooperate with you to finish the game.
Surprised no one is talking about this. On sale on Steam now. A little disappointing, as I bought it a week ago when it was full price. Otherwise great game, my current favourite - highly recommend it at $10 its a steal.
This game was fun the first couple rounds but then there were too many cops, too little ammo, and too much waiting around. The concept is really fun and if the whole heist process were sped along a bit or used on bigger maps I could see this game thriving. I'll also be waiting for a $5 sale unless one of my friends buys it for me first.
I too am surprised this thread hasn't gotten as much attention, given the Free to Play weekend. My thoughts are that it's fun to play for a while, but then difficulty spikes up a lot when you are swarmed with so many cops later in the missions. It's not a game I would need to play on a regular basis, so I will wait until it drops even lower in price (it has been $5 on Amazon before).

BTW, it is $7.49 on Amazon right now: , which would be the price of a single copy from the four pack price that Steam is offering.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
I don't mean to necro this thread, but WOW am I late to the party. I just picked up The Heist during the Steam sales. Great game.

You all still playing? I assume we have a [H]ard Steam Group for it.
I don't mean to necro this thread, but WOW am I late to the party. I just picked up The Heist during the Steam sales. Great game.

You all still playing? I assume we have a [H]ard Steam Group for it.

actually yeah i think there is. hard to populate a server last time i played. surprised how few people were playing. i guess it was pretty late at night though.
I don't mean to necro this thread, but WOW am I late to the party. I just picked up The Heist during the Steam sales. Great game.

You all still playing? I assume we have a [H]ard Steam Group for it.

I'm pretty decent at payday. I haven't gotten past scenario 2 though because my friends aren't playing. If you wanna partner up my steams piscian18.