Old DOS Game CIA?


Jul 27, 2004
Guys, i can't find or remember then name of the game, but it's old, from around 1990s. It's an itch i can't scratch... help!

The game was called CIA i think. You had missions where you had sneak in almost Deaux EX human revolution style and snap pictures of confidential documents, or plant recording devices etc. One part was you had to either tail suspects or get away form chasers if you were caught. You could pick different cars, like an Aston Martin or a fiat (along those lines)

Anyone know/remember something like that?
It's not Spycraft is it? That had alot of motion video but sounds close to what you are talking about. You would pick locks and look for clues.
Spycraft was epic... one of my most favourite spygames ever :) only old KGB was better :)
Good finds on both, but sadly not the one i'm looking for..
I do remember that it was all about gathering intel and counter intelligence.
Patton, that's the game!! Thanks! And of course it had to be by microprose.. one of the best game companies ever..and figures that Sid Meier was the designer..

Just finished playing Deus Ex human revolution (i know i know, backlog) and this game got stuck in my head as something very similar. Hmm, maybe should email Sid and ask him to make a remake, like with Pirates!.
I would certainly buy that. In fact I still have the original on dosbox and play it occasionally.