Old Fashioned Nuclear War


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Anyone have any recollection of the game?

I just found some pics of me playing it waay back... I think it was from around 1965..
Zero82z said:
According to your profile, you hadn't been born yet. Methinks you mixed up the year :p.

No shit- the game was introduced in 1965- I was born in 1979.. Way back as in 10 years ago.
jen4950 said:
No shit- the game was introduced in 1965- I was born in 1979.. Way back as in 10 years ago.
Ah, I see. Your post was a bit unclear. I thought you were saying the pics were from 1965 :rolleyes:.
Stereophile said:
How about a nice game of chess ? :p

How about a interest you in a game of Global Thermonuclear Warfare instead?:D
My girlfriend Ally Sheedy turned into a basket case...started liking jocks instead of nerds. :(