Old HD497 earpads splitting :(


Jun 18, 2004
Is there any way to repair or replace the earpads on my old headphones? There's a seam on the inside that has split on both of them exposing the foam inside and its starting to get irritating. There an easy way to maybe glue them back together or a place that sells replacement pads? I'd rather not be forced to buy a brand new pair of headphones when these still sound great, just getting a little worn out on the earpads.
My 555 cushions split (okay, I accidentaly split them taking them off) and I just used some super glue to fix them. The cover kind of folds back in on itself, so I was able to fold it over and super glue it no problem. I was worried the glue would be scratchy on my ears or something, but the seam is on the back of the pad so it doesn't touch my ears. Saved me $20 for new pads. Normally the pads just pull off, they have some little plastic clips that kind of hold them in place.