openSUSE: Can't achieve 1920x1200?


Mar 4, 2008
I just installed openSUSE and can't seem to get my monitor to display at 1920x1200. I have my monitor set to LCD>>1920x1200@60HZ, but my maximum selectable resolution is 1600x1200. This is on an Acer P241W and openSUSE is version 11.1 running through Sun VirtualBox. Any help would be appreciated (I'm a linux newcommer).
Are you using KDE or GNOME?

VirtualBox might not be reporting a powerful enough graphics card to the guest OS to do 1920x1200. This is one of the limitations currently placed by VM's, that they dont offer direct access to the hardware available in the host machine (the physical machine it's on).

You might want to consider trying VMware server 2.0, you might have better support. I'm not knocking VirtualBox, I like it myself too, but you should still have options.
Sounds like you either don't have the nvidia graphics drivers (properly?) installed, or the VM is incapable of doing widescreen. I'm running 2 8800GTS 640MB cards on opensuse 11 x64. I'm using SLi and my resolution is 1680x1050. Thats the max resolution of my 21" monitor, but it is a widescreen resolution, so I know opensuse can do it.

The nvidia drivers are a PITA to install. The original drivers that loaded with my system did not support 3D graphics, neither did the nvidia opensuse one-click install package. I had to do it the hard way following nvidia's instructions. You have to do it in the cannot do it in the GUI. You can follow nvidia's instructions, they're right for the most part.

The only problem I found was during a step where nvidia says to run the command 'sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia'
That did not work. I found a post on a forum saying to run it as 'sax2 -c 0 -m0=nvidia' that worked like a charm and when I reinitialized the gui, the world of 3D graphics on Linux opened up for me. Good luck.