Orange Box on PS3 - $7.81 @ Sams Club


Dec 18, 2005
Werd, pick up Orange Box @ Sams for $ tax of course

Hell of a steal if you ask me


They also had drakes fortune for $25
shit, wish i knew about this before doing some shopping near there earlier, might have to go look tomorrow evening.
Just FYI, the PS3 version of Orange Box wasn't handled entirely by Valve and has performance issues that the PC and 360 versions lack (worse frame rates and longer load times). Still, who can argue with some of the best games of all time for less than $8?

Hell for this price, it's worth picking up for Portal alone.
they patched the game back in march and fixed the issues your talking about
Wow, I wish there was a deal like this for the PC, I'd pick up a few copies for last minute gifts!
If you own a PS3, don't already own this game and have a Sams club membership there is no excuse for not buying this game. ;)
can anyone varify this because its not even on the sam'sclub website
can anyone varify this because its not even on the sam'sclub website

This is the way it is with every whole sale club. Items on the web site will be different and can have different prices from the stores. You have to call your local store to verify.
After seeing the movie "Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices", I'll never buy anything again from that piece of shit company no matter how hot the deal is.
After seeing the movie "Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices", I'll never buy anything again from that piece of shit company no matter how hot the deal is.
The Orange Box is a pack of 5 games.
Only Team Fortress 2 requires internet access, Half-Life 2 and it's 2 sequels and portal do not require internet access.

After seeing the movie "Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices", I'll never buy anything again from that piece of shit company no matter how hot the deal is.

Not to mention the way those companies treat their employees... It's disgusting and truly sad when a company racks in billions per year in profit
and pays minimum wage with next to no benefits.

Well, I could give a shit honestly. I just picked up 5 valve games for $8 haha

I could take a pic of the receipt...kinda lazy though

The PS3 version has an update as someone else said when you first start up the game.