Orange Box (PC) - $27-28 Shipped


Sep 18, 2004
I just finally picked it up. I have never seen it less then $30 before for the PC version!

Steam - $27

It is $28 @ Amazon and Newegg in case you want the hard copy for some reason.
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hai guyz, i herd sum other steamz gamz wer cheep 2!

I was just pointing it out, because few people that have seen the Steam sale threads did not realize that orange box was on sale. Also, some simply prefer hard copies.

Don't be a prick.
I think there was another thread with this, and even though I'm not much of a fan of the serie(s), I know friends of mine who are so it's never a waste to be reminded of a good deal :cool:
Just saw Orange Box at wally world for 29.99. Worth the extra 2-3 bucks for instant NOW NOW NOW gratification imo.
Just saw Orange Box at wally world for 29.99. Worth the extra 2-3 bucks for instant NOW NOW NOW gratification imo.

lol it's all about the now now now :D

That was my exact thinking with Left 4 Dead -- popped the DVD in, & the setup program crashed showing no languages to select from. Google confirmed I'm not the only one, & multiple steam / PC restarts did nothing to remedy ..... so punched in the ID code & had to wait for a 2.5hr download anyways :mad:
It worked in the end tho ;)
As for orange box, I got it Nov2007 for $25, & for a friend this year from Targets a couple weeks ago it was $30, agreeably a reasonable price
I stopped by best buy today and they had the Orange Box for $29.99.
I just finally picked it up. I have never seen it less then $30 before for the PC version!

Steam - $27

It is $28 @ Amazon and Newegg in case you want the hard copy for some reason.
the msrp has been $29.99 for quite a while in MANY months. hell it was on sale for $24.99 at BB at Christmas 2007.
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