Organized my wires but...


Oct 6, 2006
So, I worked for about an hour the other day making an attempt at organizing the wires in my case. I really cleared out alot of the cables in the MB area and below, but its still a rats nest up on top with the power supply (which is alright as that really doesn't get a lot of air anyways).
I also replaced a busted 120mm fan in the back and even added 3 more 80mm (2 on the side blowing in, 1 on front blowing in, 120 in back blowing out).
So, for a while I saw maybe a ~5 degree drop down to ~28 degrees, but now all of a sudden Speedfan rarely gets below 34. Anyone have any ideas whats up?
It really started to warm up after I reorganized the cables, before then when I had just replaced the fans it was cool.

Threw a pic up in case of any ideas, as I said the PSU is a mess but it is a pain in the ass to get those wires to do anything.
it could be in part based on airflow, it sounds like you've got more air coming in than going out which ends up not eliminating the heat as efficently as it could/should. You'll want to end up with roughly the same amount of air leaving the case as coming into it.

something else that might help you with wiring is sleeving them with some braided sleeving or some spiral wrap loom if you don't want to remove the power connectors. As well as trying to tuck what you can behind the motherboard tray, (not behind the actual motherboard,) if they are long enough to reach.
I think what affects it most of all, is that huge bundle of wires near the top of the motherboard, blocks off some cool air to the CPU cooler. You can get these clips to hold the wires up, if you can't hide them, at least try and tie them up out of the way, has them.

In fact, they have quite a lot of things you might find useful for getting those wires tied-up and out of the way.
Also, if your up to the task, you could eliminate some of the wiring your not using by loping it off and sealing the ends. If you paid alot for your PSU and don't feel comfotable doing this, then what the other posters stated.

See, the thing is that those are actually mostly either going to the hard drives or to various points on the motherboard, and its really to stiff to do much with. I'm actually considering a new PSU with my next upgrade to try and get rid of that problem.

Also, theres really not alot of air movement up there anyways because theres no fan up there. All of them are on the side, back, or bottom front near the hard drive.
Where are the side intake fans located? Maybe the air from one or both is just going straight out the back 120mm before it mixes with the hot air in the case.