Other places to ask Mac questions?

May 3, 2003
Hey guys,

I have asked my question here and on MacNN.com and received mostly blank stares... I also tried the #macosx channel on freenode. Any more suggestions for where I might get a conclusive answer? I am trying to find out if I can replace my (dead) 800MHz G4 iBook motherboard with a 1.33GHz successfully.


What I'd like to know is how, exactly, you purport to find a fully functional 1.33 GHz iBook G4 mainboard outside of an Apple-ceritifed repair depot! It's not like you can just order one (or any laptop mainboard) from Newegg or hit eBay, especially not since the 1.33 GHz iBook model is only a couple of months old.
Aurelius said:
What I'd like to know is how, exactly, you purport to find a fully functional 1.33 GHz iBook G4 mainboard outside of an Apple-ceritifed repair depot! It's not like you can just order one (or any laptop mainboard) from Newegg or hit eBay, especially not since the 1.33 GHz iBook model is only a couple of months old.

You can quite easily actually, there are online apple certified repair sites that will repair all apple computers, and ipods. They also will sell you the parts though the prices can be fairly high. Some even sell G5 processors!
Though it's surprising, it exists.
If you are thinking of buying it from one of the apple parts web sites, like pbparts.com or one of the many others, simply email them and ask. They can let you know. Try emailing them anyway and asking. Though I agree that a 1.33ghz ibook logic board will probably cost you as much as a 1.33ghz ibook.
Ars Technica has a great Mac forum. Your question seems pretty esoteric though - I'm not sure who could really help you, but best of luck!