Overclocking a GeForce 5200x


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2007
Yes I know its an older card but was curious how to and what kind of performance boost I could get. How do I know if its safe for the Memory mhz and video mhz?

I just ran 3dmark03 and got a pitiful score of 860. What can I do to make that higher and not be SOOOO laggy. Obvious answer would be a new card, but something other then that.
You will gain next to nothing overclocking that card. It's very very low end. :(


Seriously now, an upgrade to another low end isn't that expensive, and it is miles ahead of the FX5200. Not to thread crap, but it was never a good card to begin with.

Seriously now, an upgrade to another low end isn't that expensive, and it is miles ahead of the FX5200. Not to thread crap, but it was never a good card to begin with.
:D I guess thats what you get for a computer thats 3-4 years old? Bummer.
Like others were saying, you could overclock, but there's really no point, the power just isn't there to take advantage of any clock speed increase.
- Well what size monitor do you have?
- What games are will you be playing?
- What PSU do you have?
- How much are you willing to spend?

Also, aren't you getting a new system anyway? Why waste money on an old system when you're already buying a new rig? Unless this is for a friend?
It would be like putting super high octane in your moms old station wagon and going the the tracks expecting results. It might shave a second off your quarter mile, but your still running a freaking 20 second quarter mile while all your friends are laughing at you.
Just buy a new card, anything is better. Anything...
It would be like putting super high octane in your moms old station wagon and going the the tracks expecting results. It might shave a second off your quarter mile, but your still running a freaking 20 second quarter mile while all your friends are laughing at you.
Just buy a new card, anything is better. Anything...

:D:D:D n ALright enough of this. I was just curious. I mean if it was dirt cheap to replace something I was gonna look at it in the far future. But I figure kill it, just use the computer for scrap parts.

Danny Bui, yeah that build is on temp hold for right now. Waiting on the power supply, I picked up memory the other day from ZZF. Can't wait to get the thing up and running.