P5K Premium won't POST


Feb 20, 2005
I've had this mobo running a [email protected] and 4x1GB Ballistix DDR2-1000 since August and never had any problems. This morning I was messing with my cpu overclock trying to reach 3.6ghz, and ended up lowering the memory divider to underclock the ram so it doesn't interfere with Prime95 testing. When the PC rebooted it wouldn't POST and I was stuck at a blank screen with the 8800GT fan spinning at 100%, it usually slow down after a second or two. CPU and case fans spin up properly, the HDs and DVD drive also turn on. I reset CMOS twice and it did not help.

Called Asus and they asked me to pull out the memory and reboot, I did and and they said the 3 beeps mean that the CPU and PSU are fine. The asked me to try the ram sticks individially, no dice. I tried the 8800GT in my other PC and it works fine, it's a NF4 mobo so unfortunately I can't try the ram. Asus tech support then said that the chipset's memory controller had most likely failed and to RMA the board. How underclocking the ram damaged the memory controller I have no idea, I never changed chipset voltages and the strap setting was on auto.

Newegg will replace this board for free but before I ship it out I would like to know if there is anything else that can be done. Thanks.
My last asus motherboard stopped posting as well, it was a P5B Delux. So I bought a Gigabyte P35-DS3R to replace it. A few weeks later the DS3R stopped posting, but I noticed a pattern. Both my motherboards were working fine when it was still nice outside, like in the 70s. But when a cold front hit in October my P5B stopped working, so I placed the order for the DS3R and by time it got here the cold front passed. Then in November another cold front hit and my DS3R stopped posting.

I figured some of the components must be below their operating temperature, I have an all aluminum case that's right by my window and it gets extremely cold. So then I opened up the side of the case and put a space heater next to it for a little while, and it posted immediately. I was also able to get it to post by leaving the computer on when it didn't post. After about 10 minutes I assume the components warmed up and then rebooted it. It posted then.

Anyway, now whenever I leave my computer off at night the same thing happens, so I just leave it on and it's fine for reboots.