P8P67 Pro- ready for prime time?


Aug 14, 2006
Hi folks,

Okay [H] 'ers, I need your help,please. I am piecing together new build, and am stuck about the mobo. I really like the features of the P8P67 Pro, but I admit, all the posts about issues & problems has me kinda scared-off from it.

I will eventually do some OC of the 2600k (like around 4.5-ish), and I should mention, I never use Sleep / Hibernate,etc.functions...ever. PC is on, and I'm gaming or surfin.....if not, PC is powered off.

I don't have alot of time to be farting around with BIOS updates, but am not a total noob and could manage 1 or 2 if I had to.

So, having said that, is the Pro gonna be ok for me ? Should I maybe "wait" for a few more BIOS revisions to get it pretty much stable for everyone ? Or, should I look elsewhere ? (Although I fear that if I start researching another board, I'll run into a similar list of potential problems.....)

I am getting anxious to get this done, but didn't have the balls to be an "early adopter" , so I had hoped that by now things might be pretty much good-to-go for the vast majority of users.

Thanks in advance for any help and/or suggestions !
I have the same mobo and highly recommend it. Updating bios is very simple. Just download the latest bios into a usb drive. Boot up the computer and go into bios. Under tools, there is bios update option. Select it and point to the bios rom on the usb drive. That's it. I have no problem with Intel SSD's in raid 0 at all. Overclocking my 2500k to 4.6 with everything enabled.
Hey, thanks for the vote of confidence. I am gradually convincing myself to bite the bullet and jump in now.
I was hoping that by now "THE" magical, stable, near perfect-for-almost-everyone BIOS would be out, but it doesn't appear so. Seems Intel also needs to get up to speed with their chipset drivers, from what I'm reading.

I wonder, is anyone else still sitting on the fence and waiting, cash in hand, for things to "improve" with the ASUS boards / BIOS ? If so, what will it take for you to take the plunge ?
Dude....I've been using mine just fine since January (got the replacement in March). You never hear about the large majority of working systems here, but you do hear about the problems. Go now.
Dude....I've been using mine just fine since January (got the replacement in March). You never hear about the large majority of working systems here, but you do hear about the problems. Go now.

Love mine and have had no problems other than finding out that not all drives play friendly on the 6gb Intel ports. Keep this in mind. All it takes normally is an updated firmware for the drive to work correctly. I am at 4.8ghz with no problem and 5ghz was easily reached but to hot for my silent system. Ram at 2133mhz and this thing doesn't break a sweat. My favorite part is the fan control. It's just like Afterburners fan control A nice graph and some pretty dots of silence to move around. I can only tell my PC is on when its under load lol. This board rocks!
I'd say go for it... my first version P8P67 Pro worked flawlessly with bios 0701 (?!) and the replacement B3 stepping is also working perfectly. Honestly I was terrified when I started reading some of the posts (after originally ordering) but I haven't had a single issue.
Okay then, seems unanimous ! Thanks everyone, that seriously puts my mind at ease. I guess I knew that the "silent majority" of owners don't go around posting "my rig works fine" and such.
But, it never hurts to have it confirmed by some folks who know first hand.

Appreciate the help.....now.....to go start a shopping cart !:D
My P8P67 Pro has been running extremely well barring the problem I had early on (random but frequent lock ups while idle which caused my network to stop functioning as well). That has since been narrowed down to C state issues as far as I can see. Other than that, its been a great board to work with.
About a month for me on my P8P67 Pro, and no bios or mobo-related problems, running a stable 24/7 oc of 4.3 with auto voltage. Here's a post about a positive experience :)

Actually, the only complaint I have is the standby issue. I never would have noticed since I never used it before, but I just forgot to turn default standby off, so I've seen the issue. I've never used standby in any of my computers previously. With how quick it is to boot with UEFI and an SSD, there's no reason to not cold boot each time I need the computer.
Mine works flawlessly once I removed a FW800 card from the system. The FW800 card prevented me from successfully overclocking my i7-2600K beyond 4.1GHz or using certain voltage stability enhancement features.