Parallel port hardware addresses


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2000
*I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this*

My friend and I are trying to control a microcontroller through a regular parallel port. Does anyone know the hardware addresses for the various pins, or a guide that would make this task easier? We've been banging our heads into a wall for a while now, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
A parallel port has a single hardware address, usually 0x378 or something like that. Actually it does have a couple more addresses for control lines or something like that. Anyway, there are 8 data lines, so you can just send 8 bits out the port to turn on the output lines. For example, 00100110b will turn on lines 1, 2, and 5(supposing the first line is 0). You can do that in basic or c or just about any language.

Just search google for a bit and you should find plenty of resources. For starters:
Or was that not what you were looking for?
Thanks; that helped a lot. We were assuming that each pin had its own address that needed to be manipulated independently of the others. Those links are pretty much exactly what we needed; thanks again.