Photoshop CS4 and SLI help


Jul 25, 2008
Hey [H],

So I recently upgraded my setup to dual GTX285s. The problem is in Photoshop cs 4 were when I turn SLI on the program doesn't detect any of my GPUs. It's a pain to turn SLI off and on every time I want to work on something in PS.

Anybody have a solution for this?

Thanks guys
its a cuda issue.. nothing you can really do about it.. its the same issue we run into when doing Folding@home and trying to run multiple cards in SLI..
Can't you just go to the nvidia control panel -> performance settings -> programs -> Photoshop CS4 -> MultiGPU/Multi Card performance and set it to force "Single Card Performance Mode" to have SLi turn off when using it? Im not 100% sure, I don't have an SLi setup to test it.