Planned power outage


Feb 28, 2005
So I was watching the Local town channel (yeah, I was that bored). We had a power outage back on July 6th and it caused something at the substation to get fried I guess. So, they are planning a power outage on July 16 (tommrow) from 2-5 am.

What does this mean? I HAVE TO SHUT IT ALL DOWN TONIGHT!!! :( :( :mad: :mad:

Good thing I am a night worker. Concider this your PSA to those that live in Maricopa.

So I need to know a couple things before hand:

1. How do I properly shut this farm down mage? I would like to force each client to save first then shut down.

2. Anyone know something good to do while the power is out?
During the downtime you could:

1. Print out a work unit and fold it manually.
Get a couple big batteries from the phone company, they replace them every few years anyway, and fold on!!!
2. Get a life?

it's really not that hard and doesn't require too much processing power
ZROUT said:
2. Get a life?

it's really not that hard and doesn't require too much processing power

You must not have a real life then. They use a hell of a lot more processing power than computers do. Drinking a beer, dancing with one woman and flirting with another without the first one knowing it is very hard. That is true multitasking too. Oh, don't forget about keeping one eye on your buddies to make sure they're not too drunk and getting into trouble one way or another.

btw, that's the more fun aspect of a real life. ;)

ZROUT said:
2. Get a life?

it's really not that hard and doesn't require too much processing power

That was'nt too nice. I'm not sure if you were joking, or very serious, but don't be so quick to judge people, especially over the internetwork of computational devices (aka, the internet).
ICE_9 said:
1. How do I properly shut this farm down mage? I would like to force each client to save first then shut down.
If you go to the netconf script, there's a link that says "Run programs on clients". Hit "Power Off". The machines automatically save on shutdown as long as you power them off nicely. If you just hit the power switch on the clients, even, you shouldn't lose much, since progress is saved every half hour. The server, though, should be powered down nicely.

When it's time to boot again, turn on the server first, then all the clients.

Oh, and you could take this opportunity to get an ups in there :D
