Play Super Mario Bros. In Your Browser

jeez, enough with super mario remakes and re-implementations. what an overrated game.
What a cool find!

And who doesn't use Chrome? Do you like you computer hacked alot? LOL
Seems to work fine in any modern Webkit browser, not just Chrome. The "nonchrome" version works in Firefox and IE 10. You really should update your browser if you're finding something here to complain about.
Eh, cool HTML5 demonstration...

But the controls are very lacking compared to the original :D
Eh, cool HTML5 demonstration...

But the controls are very lacking compared to the original :D

you don't know how to use a controller to mimic keymapping? :confused:

ahhh good old nostalgia, gonna get me thru the second half of a boring work day
Doesn't feel right. I prefer to play it on my original NES for full effect, or the Wii in a pinch with the classic controller.