PNY 6800GT Problems....

Jul 13, 2004
Ok need some help. I picked up a PNY 6800GT from compusa to replace my 9800pro. I ran drivercleaner and then installed my 6800gt. Everything works great... I install the coolbits 2.0 reg file and get my overclocking options, but nowhere do I see a temperature readout panel on the 6800 tab in advanced display settings.... SO at the advice of someone from another thread I checked the coolbits reg file and everything seems fine. So I install the new version of speedfan... all it detects is my motherboard sensors... Does this mean my cards sensor is fubared? I did try overclocking and it auto detected at 417 - 1.1 and ran 3dmark03 at 10848..

Also I downloaded the nadu demo and it wont run... DO I need DirectX9c to run the demo?

Abit AT7-Max2
1 gig pc 2700
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ at 2.167

Any help is appreciated..

Well I have put a fork in it cause its done... I will either be returning it to COmpUSA or RMA it to PNY. I tried everything.. another machine fresh install etc. nothing worked. ALso I downloaded some Demos from Nvidia's Site and they lock up 1/2 a second in to it. I also installed Quake 3 and it locks up when trying to change the resolution to anything other than 640x480.... Weird how DIrect3d stuff runs perfect... Oh well....

please keep me posted on what is up with the pny.
I was going to order one but after reading this and some post on
pny less than great parts, slow ram etc compared to other brands on
previous cards...
what is your ram marked at....will it oc to the 6800U speeds?

thanks big time for info

LiquidX said:
Have you tried different drivers?

Yup 4 different driver versions... In regards to PNY problems.. I still think they make a good product. OrionNT has 2 PNY cards that both do Ultra Speeds and mine autodetected as well at over Ultra Speeds... I think once i get a new one all will be well.
