Poor Image Rendering


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004

I have a GeForce 7800 GTX and I just re installed Windows for the first time in a while to try out some games that I cant play or play well in Linux.

So, I install the OS and all is well. I install the latest nvidia driver from their web site (91.47) and configure it like I used to with 4xaa and 8xaf at 1920x1200 (Dell 2405).

I then proceed to install my games and one of the games I like to play is a Steam based game Day Of Defeat Source. I go in and configure my display for 1600x1200 like I always do and proceed to play the game.

First off, I notice that my FPS is like 30 - 40 which is really weird seeing that I have 2 gigs of top quality ram and a AMD X2 4400. But what really bugs me is the poor image quality.

It actually looks like Im playing at 1024x760 with no AA or AF

Take a look at this image:

Now, I haven't tried other games yet, but I am a little dissapointed. I went into the advanced settings for the graphics driver and I was overwhelmed; I would rather configure a kernel from scratch than go though that mess.

Anyway, can someone offer me any advice as to how I could get the image quality and performance I used to get with the older drivers (Short of installing an older drivers)?

Thanks a million...

It looks like AA isn't working at all, turn AA on from inside the game and leave it "application preference" in the control panel.

You can also turn on Transparency Supersampling, but on those objects you have circled regular MSAA should be working on them.
Brent_Justice said:
It looks like AA isn't working at all, turn AA on from inside the game and leave it "application preference" in the control panel.

You can also turn on Transparency Supersampling, but on those objects you have circled regular MSAA should be working on them.
WOW... That was it man... I had always set the AA and AF in the nvidia control panel so that was normal for me. I left it at application settings and set it in the game and it runs top notch.

I just hope other games I have allow for these settings to be set in the game as well.

Thanks again man!!!
