Portal 2 Best Buy PS3/360 - $45, PC $35


Jul 11, 2006
Well played Valve.. Well played... Jerks

Here's hoping amazon price matches - $45 + the $20 credit for preorder would be ultra sweet - especially as you buy the PS3 version and get the PC/Mac with it.
Yay, I got the pre-order discount of $44.99 plus a FREE copy of a game I already owned! And the chance to buy 13 more games for a chance to possibly play the game I already own, which is already installed on my computer, a few days earlier!?

I mad.
Nice find. Thanks, OP.

Edit: I bought one. Couldn't resist GLaDOS any longer.
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Valve doesn't control retail prices. Retail stores are free to price games as they see fit. Hell Valve isn't even in control of retail distribution, thats all EA.

No, they don't control the price of retail, but they do control the price from on steam. And they should be able to sell it cheaper as a digital download. There's no way it should be $10 cheaper at best buy to get a retail copy!
No, they don't control the price of retail, but they do control the price from on steam. And they should be able to sell it cheaper as a digital download. There's no way it should be $10 cheaper at best buy to get a retail copy!

Because Valve is psychic and able to tell if a store is going to drastically cut out their own profit margin on a game.....
NOOO!!! I just bought it, DOH!!!

Literally, bought the game today from Steam, right before I read this.
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Here's hoping amazon price matches - $45 + the $20 credit for preorder would be ultra sweet - especially as you buy the PS3 version and get the PC/Mac with it.

That's interesting... I wonder if you can buy the game and link it to your steam account, then resell the PS3 game and have it still be functional, but without the option for that person to also link their steam account...
The real question is, will the price remain the same after it's released? OR is this a pre-order deal only?
I have been seeing mass advertising for this game at a local level here in FL.

Major city buses and huge city billboards all across the city here. I almost took a picture of the bus because it stuck out HUGE and was very noticeable. It wasn't the typical little ad on the side, it was the WHOLE bus for portal 2.

I might just order because I enjoyed the advertising and it wasn't annoying! :)
Thanks OP - came out to $22 total with added giftcard/rewardzone certificate.
I did the Portal 2 two player pack on Steam with a friend, came out to $39.99 for each of us, would of only saved $2 with BB cause of taxes.
TBH, I got the first Portal when it was apart of the Orange Box, which was an add on game to the package IMO.
Can't see how Portal 2 can command such an high price. Will wait for the winter Steam sale, but I'm sure it will be entertaining.

I'm gonna steal your line:

Well said.
Because Valve is psychic and able to tell if a store is going to drastically cut out their own profit margin on a game.....
You must be new or have forgotten the days when B&M Frys/Circuit City/Bestbuy would have release day sales $30-40 for a $49.99 retail game.

This is nothing new. It is an old practice.
TBH, I got the first Portal when it was apart of the Orange Box, which was an add on game to the package IMO.
Can't see how Portal 2 can command such an high price. Will wait for the winter Steam sale, but I'm sure it will be entertaining.

because it's a full length game unlike the first one, it's supposed to be considerably longer / feature packed.
Well, on Amazon, the PC version I think dropped to 35 bucks. They probably did match right there. The PS3/360 versions are still $55 on amazon BUT they give a 20 promo credit back. Pretty much makes it 35 as well. I buy off amazon so much the 20 promo credit is as good as cash to me (not to mention steam updated TODAY to do the link your account to a pc account thing).
Thanks OP!
I wish they would give a code so we could preload. :-D
This game is going to be epic.
bought it from amazon for 35.98 with release day delivery. was only an additional 99 cents.

Ditto - loved Portal and I'm sure I'll enjoy P2, but I can't be bothered paying an additional $9 just for the *chance* that it gets released a couple days early on Steam.
sent a cancellation request around 9:00 am PST...let's see how long it takes for them to get back to me...
Valve will cancel pre-orders if your request is submitted before the game is released.

They word it to sound as though the purchase must be reversed before release, but I think that's mainly CYA. In practice Customer Support has always reversed my orders if I submitted before the release date even if sometimes they remind me they're doing it as a "one time customer service situation"
TBH, I got the first Portal when it was apart of the Orange Box, which was an add on game to the package IMO.
Can't see how Portal 2 can command such an high price. Will wait for the winter Steam sale, but I'm sure it will be entertaining.

Well said.

Pretty much my impression too. Not going to pay full price for an add on.