Possible 6800GS Issues


Sep 4, 2005

I just traded for a 6800GS (great trader btw, definitely not a troll thread). But I noticed some things:

The temps are 48/68'C with the ambient sensor saying 38'C. I have a Zalman VF900Cu on hand but I need to buy RAMsinks which might cost $10.

When I OC manually, I can reach 540/1200 (stock is 425/1000). But that OC is not stable. Letting it detect the optimal clocks gives me 520/1200, which crashed, only once though. I lowered it to 500/1200 and I have yet to test it.

I noticed that the artifacts are different from those on my traded 6600. On the 6600, they would be random colors popping up on the models. On the 6800GS, the picture basically messes up very badly. It's like one small picture tiled across the screen (sorry, I can't describe it any better).

So is this stuff to be worried about? Should I buy RAMsinks and slap on the VF900? Also, can you post yoru 6800GS OCs, if applicable?

memory clocks probably need to go hair lower lower. RAM sinks will help too. Same happened on my 7950. lowered the mem clock, and viola......it worked
My 6800GS (agp) came stock 350/1000, and with the Arctic Cooling Accelero X1 slapped on there, it goes easily to 550/1150. I should mention I'm a wussy, and thats as high as the 'auto detect' told me it could go, so I havent even tried going higher, though i've never pushed it hard enough to see artifacts. With this overclock, my temps are about 52/67...but its really super hot in here due to summer and lack of a/c on 3rd floor apt lol

GonzoP said:
The vf-900 should come with ramsinks

I got mine used and it didn't come with them. It was initially for my old 6600, which didn't need RAMsinks.