Possible Mistake Complete Athlon 64 system with a X800 XT under 700 easily

UltimaParadox said:

Check out the link and notice when you change the 5700 to a x800 XT there is no price change.

So basically if you knock everything including an OS you can get a complete system and a x800 XT for around 600 bucks easy.

Granted this is a probable price mistake, but there is always the chance they will honor.

wow, wish i had the cash to try this one out
Intersting find. My total is 607 after upgraing to a socket 939 and a64 3000+
The bad part is the $65 ground shipping takes it to $672.. Someone find a coupon code, or figure out free shipping, then it would be a good enough deal.
I see under the choice for the x800pro & x800xt that they have two " * * " so maybe there is a hitch they put in there to get the video card at that price. I just don't see a note on the page for the " * * "...?

No my fault the * * just say's HOT as in " **HOT**" ...well that is HOT, if it's true...
Raines8416 said:
lmao its not already a good enough deal?

Not if you buy wholesale. I didn't say it wasn't a good deal. what I mean is that it's not good enough for me to bite. $65 shipping is outrageous, and it just shows me how this company normally does business, also trying in everyway, to mak money by adding this or that option.
The x800xt is $500+ by it self, unless they are charging $600.00 shipping, this is a good deal..LOL

Abit AV8
AMD64 3200+ 939

For $700 shipped. ($635 + $65 shipping). Newegg would charge $929.71 shipped for the same setup.

Not bad if they honored it.
I've had one in my cart since last night, I could still get it for $865 shipped I think. But I don't have any damn money. :eek:
doesnt seem to be working now and I have the cash ready. :( ohh well. hahaha