Possible PSU failure?


Sep 2, 2005
I began getting random lockups in games when the temperature outside became warmer(ambient room temp went up as well). I had a 500W Ultra X-finity and it ran fine for a while and now it seems to get fairly hot to the touch and these random lockups.

I know its not the CPU or memory or GPU because CPU is prime95 stable overnight, and memtest86 passes without a hitch. Also my temperatures for the CPU never go above 42C and my chipset stays at ~50C.

So am I looking at a PSU failing?
Could be a harddrive.... Those can get toasty without good cooling. I'm asuming that since your CPU temps stay reasonable that your cooling is ok. I find that if it's the PSU it shuts down, and not locks up. If the intervals are getting closer and closer I would suspect the PSU. Could be slowly losing juice as most do. I have had that happen to me with a pos PSU. Keep an eye on it. Beg, borrow, or steal one from a buddy if you could and try that....
Most often the higher ambient temps of 10 degress or so won't affect a PSU all that much. If it's plugged up with dust or you have too large a load on it, then overheating should cause it to shut down (hopefully) and not cause a locku, but anything is possible.

Hev you checked your system for dust bunnies lately? Are you overclocking? Added new compnents?