Possible to mix 6970s and 7970 on same MB for DC?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2004
Currently have one 7970 mining and on the verge of buying a pair of 6950s to add to the mix.

I have 4 pci-e slots (specs in sig). Not sure if I'll have any driver problems or not. The 7970 would be my display/game card and the 6950's would only be mining.

Is this easily doable?
I've ran a 7970 and 2x5770s both on the same MB for mining just fine, though it may depend on the miner you're using. I was using cgminer at the time, and though I had a monitor connected to one of the 5770s, it wasn't necessary at all for the mining process (I just did it to take some load off the 7970 for dual monitor work).

The 5770s were not CFd btw.
A 7970 and a 6970 work fine together for BTC, with easyminer and cgminer (2.10 - I can't 2.11 to work to save my life.)
guiminer should work as well just run separate instances, am thinking of getting a 5850 to go with my 7870 until I get hands on a BFL little single, course network is being hammed right now, been over 24hrs for coins to get from A to B to sell them and still not confirmed :(
Thanks for the info!

guiminer should work as well just run separate instances, am thinking of getting a 5850 to go with my 7870 until I get hands on a BFL little single, course network is being hammed right now, been over 24hrs for coins to get from A to B to sell them and still not confirmed :(

I've noticed the same thing. transferred some btc from gox to btc-e and it's taking forever to be confirmed.