Possibly Best Tablet Deal


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 17, 2009


Its a full Win 8.1 tablet, with Intel Atom 3740 CPU instead of the slower 2xxx in other tablets that cost even more. The 3xxx is four real cores instead of dual with HT, has Intel HD GPU, and DDR3 vs DDR2 of the 2xxx, and turbo which the 2xxx doesnt have.

The only one Ive seen better is the 3770 which is clocked higher at 2.39 turbo instead of 1.86 of the 3740. But cheapest I saw for that was $500 without a keyboard.

So to recap, Win 8.1 tablet with quad core HD Atom, DDR3, and a keyboard dock for $329.99.
I dont have a Office Depot near me, but was able to get Best Buy to price match since it was only a $20 difference.

Before buying I tested Netflix in HD, and it played perfectly. Loading was a bit slow, but I was on BB wifi with tons of other devices on the same connection.

I dont think the 1366x768 matters much at this size, as I had difficulty reading text as it is on it, when I have no issue with seeing my 27" Qnix.
I have this tablet. I bring it everyday with me to work. It works flawlessly with remote desktop etc. (as expected since it's Windows...). Netflix and Hulu work well on it. There's a Windows 8.1 Netflix app or you can just use the browser.

- The dock is not an extra battery like the other Asus android tablets. Not a huge deal.
- The touchpad is pretty awful. It likes to go to sleep and takes a second to wake up. I don't know of a way around this.
An amazon user review details how to fix the touchpad.
That's not this. No keyboard, Atom 2xxx, ddr2, GMA GPU, no USB 3.

Actually, it is the exact same model. And it's good stuff ;). I love my Venue 8 Pro, paid under half the price after my deal though that this thing is running (sold the Office that came with it and paid a little more than two hundred out of pocket). These Bay Trail tablets are extremely nice.
Win 8.1 tablet

Called MS, that deal is good through the 2nd and may come back in stock. Also has a 64GB drive instead of 32GB.
go to store if it is around
and if you are student its another 10% off

good deal either place
Just an officedepot.com warning. Ordered from them a few days ago using PayPal account, two days later a 1300 dollar camera was ordered from office Depot via my paypal to a different address... Got it all canceled, but I have never ordered from them before, so the timing is very suspect to me... Office Depot, sketchyness...
Good deal on the tablet though! :)
I could kick myself in the butt if my foot would reach as I had one in my cart at the Microsoft store for the 299 + tax = 320, but was at work at the time and did want to use the open network so waited till I got home and boom out of stock. They went fast, out of stock in less than 8hrs. Have one on order now thru Amazon for the 349, so 30 dollar difference. They have some quirks but all and all mostly decent reviews. Looking forward to receiving it for my tf201 is really starting to grate on my nerves these days.

BJ's also had the 64gb for 299 but they have been OOS for quite some time also.
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An amazon user review details how to fix the touchpad.

Kind of... but not really. Turning off edge gesture etc. does make it a little more responsive but it's still one of the worst trackpads I've ever used. I have the Asus Transformer Prime tablet as well and its keyboard dock is much better. Granted, this dock is essentially 'free' whereas the Transformer Prime one cost an extra $100. You get what you pay for.
With the size and it being touch screen, I find it faster to touch what I want to click rather then use the trackpad.
^pot meet kettle.
On topic: Are these tablets ok for larger pdf files, or do they bog down too much? Thinking of getting one as a Christmas present for someone.
^pot meet kettle.
On topic: Are these tablets ok for larger pdf files, or do they bog down too much? Thinking of getting one as a Christmas present for someone.

How is it pot meet kettle, exactly there? Silly goose :rolleyes: . It's ironic you say "pot meet kettle" to not knowing the topic when you then ask an uninformed question that anyone who had done a rudimentary search would know: yes, they can handle large PDF files with ease, they are actually quite capable little computers. Now, go back to starving for troll-food :p .
Well let's see... You add nothing to thread but a holier than thou reply and I'm the troll? At least that gif gave me a chuckle. You managed to give me lip. As far as the tablet is concerned, I was considering either this or surface rt. Seems this has better battery life.
A coworker just snagged the 64GB T100 from Amazon (only way to fly, because of the CS and return policy). Other than Win 8.1 (not personally sold yet), I was quite impressed at the performance level for the pricepoint. You can't expect conventional SSD speed as I believe its eMMC memory, but it is very responsive and I'm told pretty damn close, if not topping the 10 hr battery estimate. This little Asus is the cat's ass at $350. :D If I needed a tablet/netbook right now, this would be a the top of a very short list. Sonicboom, apart from the cheaper price of the RT, skip it for the limitations compared to full windows. And at less than an iPad, we're done.
This craps all over my old Acer netbook. Not too mention quadcore Atom and tablet.

I'm in.
Is this tablet powerful enough to emulate PS1 / N64? Im weary of the GPU.
As others in the thread said, it's one of the lowest priced 2-in-1 tablets available. You kinda get what you pay for. It's Intel HD Graphics, So I'd bet it'll come close if not being ok.
it can play portal, hl2 and l4d2 pretty well so I would say yes on the emulator.
back in stock at the MS store, cancelled my amazon preorder and got this puppy through MS. They also have a $20 stylus pen for $4.
back in stock at the MS store, cancelled my amazon preorder and got this puppy through MS. They also have a $20 stylus pen for $4.

That was quick already back at OOS
:( or I would have done the same, cancel Amazon and order thru MS store.
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With the size and it being touch screen, I find it faster to touch what I want to click rather then use the trackpad.

I do too when I use the tablet in Windows 8.1. The problem is if I remote into my work desktop that's running Windows 7, the touch functionality goes down the drain. For example, I can't scroll by touching and dragging the screen. Naturally the next best option is to use the trackpad. The two finger scrolling on the trackpad works maybe 80% of the time for me. Takes a few tries usually...
I'll wait for HP Omni 10, because it has 1080p; perfect for mirroring to TV for HTPC use.

I think it will make a great HTPC.
I don't see much a need for a keyboard for HTPC? Selecting movie should be touch and go. Of course everything will be setup with a wireless keyboard.