Post a screenshot of your linux!

Installed Zenwalk last week...


It flies.

Set up Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary) on my desktop today to do OpenGL and network programming.

It's XFCE4, with Xinerama big screen enabled for the Xserver.

I had tried Ubuntu 5.10 yesterday, yeah, I don't like it. The shift to GCC4 and related libs made it crap since some of the stuff I have to use wouldn't compile.

Also: Esetroot is an awesome wallpaper setter. :D
HHunt said:
I felt like a short game of "guess the distro and WM/DE". :)

Tetrahedon said SuSE. You can confirm that by looking at the green cameleon in a life-buoy - help icon (SuSE uses that cameleon everywhere). KDE. (Look for the K-gear start button)
BillLeeLee could be using almost anything, but there's a few .deb - packages in that directory listing, so I'll guess Debian or a derivate. Fluxbox. (The bottom bar is fluxbox or blackbox, and he's got a .fluxbox directory.)
Blitzrommel uses gnome on gentoo. Gentoo because it says so in the terminal, and gnome because of the foot-logo, the two main toolbars (top/bottom), and the Application and Actions menus on top.
Wheezor uses gnome on Ubuntu. His desktop says Ubuntu (which defaults to gnome), and it has the same features as Blitzrommels gnome.
UMCPWintermute said XFCE4 on debian. I can't confirm that it's debian, but XFCE is recognizable for having a taskbar (with running programs) and a separate launcherbar that doesn't expand to fill the edge it's attached to. The windowmanager style, icon set and the way the bars in his systray looks are all giveaways too.
locutus24 said Ubuntu + stock gnome, thout his gnome looks slightly atypical. It's still recognizable because of things like the show desktop icon (top of the taskbar on the righthand side) and a few of the other icons.

Compslckr (on the previous page) also uses SuSE (see the K-button with the SuSE logo), and what appears to be KDE. (The separator between the clock and the rest of the top menu looks very kicker-like, the clock itself is definitely KDE, and the iconset looks like Crystal)
Carloswill uses debian, if the hostname or tools are anything to go by. ;)
Draconius uses FreeBSD, though it's hard to tell from the screenshot (Do linux call its virtual terminals ttypn?). It's XFCE4, as you can tell by the full-width taskbar (bottom) and separate, shorter, launcher+systray - bar (top). The look of the grab fields on the sides of the launcher bar is typical, as is the iconset.
SiathLinux runs Fedora Core 4 and gnome, despite what he's saying about KDE. :p
edit: The note in the bottom of his screenshot says Gnome, too. I guess I might have misread his post.

This is correct that was Gnome - I was starting to have problems with my HDD, and KDE would freeze - shortly there after the whole mobo had a failure, - currently stuck on a borrowed computer (agh Dell, with WinME)...
I'll get a new mobo soon tho and be back to my beloved Linux.
Nice guess on mine HHunt. That screenie you were referring to was Fluxbox on Ubuntu 5.04.
aLc0h0Lic said:

ubuntu 5.10, fluxbox, conky, aterm, irssi

PS: FOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111[/QUOTE]
what is that stats program you have on the top right? It looks kind of like torsmo...but it is colored...and it's a really slick I am curious...

BTW, does anybody here use root-tail? I used to with fluxbox, but now that I am using xfce, I cannot get root-tail to show up on my desktop....
aLc0h0Lic said:
draconius, the program is called conky. ownage.

oh, and new desktop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if the pic doesnt load, the link is here

What Flux theme is that? It's sexy. I dig the semi-transparency. :)

EDIT: Sorry, looking back through the thread...

@ BillLeeLee: Where did you get that bg? I <3 Bleach :cool:
Ion Silverbolt said:
Updated my Superkaramba theme with XMMS.
How can i get my box to display all the system info :)

Breezy on my Athlon XP 2600+ system.
It's basically for programming and sometimes graphic design.
It's my workhorse. :cool:
Man, some of you change desktops a lot. Do you actually get any work done? :) Mine looks about the same as the last one I posted, cause it works well, which looks about the same as the desktop I was using about ten years ago.
My new Dell Latitude 810 laptop work gave me. First thing was remove Windows XP Pro and load the good stuff.

Linux 2.6!

Man, I sure notice a difference with the IPCop router.

My dad is impressed, as well ;).

That Hilary Duff's wallpaper is hot as hte Jessica Alba's one.
Lot of horny linux users :p