Post your "rate my cables" here

Here is my Silverstone TJ03

Here is the Antec 900 I built for a friend
Here's mine upgraded rig... added an XFX 8800GS XXX Alpha Dog Edition for $67.50... so far I am loving it... beats the hell out of my old 7950GT :D




Thought I'd Post some new ones. now that i got the new Corsair and 9600gt.:D I dont have any room for cable management, so it sucks now:mad: Now if i could only make up my mind on a new case:confused:, suggestions welcome.


Finally got my 9800GTX. It's humming along at 780MHz on the core and 1200MHz on the memory.


Let me know what you think.
Heh, I like Import's setup... Has a very industrial look to it due to the boxy-ness of the Tuniq/GX2 and the black interior of the case. Couldn't ya fit that 4/8-pin cable around the edge of the case rather than going under the GX2 and all along the mobo though?
Looks awesome man! I'm getting close to retiring my GTS 640mb.

I've already retired my EVGA 8800GTS 640mb SLi setup. One card went to my son.. the other card is sitting in my HTPC! The 680i board is being pulled out as we speak.. I picked up an Asus P5K-E motherboard and a new Q6600, 2x2gb DDR2-1066 Gskill ram, Thermalright HR-05 / IFX Northbridge cooler (with the 80mm fan).. My goal - CLEAN cable management on a phase change setup (hopefully with clocks over 4ghz)! I will be waiting patiently for the GT200 video cards and the new P45 boards (..hello DDR3).
Officer, that computer sill blinds me when I look at it. Can you tone it down a little? ;)
Heh, I like Import's setup... Has a very industrial look to it due to the boxy-ness of the Tuniq/GX2 and the black interior of the case. Couldn't ya fit that 4/8-pin cable around the edge of the case rather than going under the GX2 and all along the mobo though?

heh, thanks.
as for the cable, i wish i could have, i plan to pick up an extension for that 8 pin so i can run it along the top, then tuck it behind- but i keep missing the local computer store's closing time by 5 minutes.

i didn't really mention much about the computer...
its just a gaming rig really... i had $3000 to blow, and everything in my sig is that money spent. haha.
i knew it was going to be fast, and the monitor would be big, but holy shit.

i completely blew myself away. the monitor is HUGE and gorgeous. the best $600 i've ever spent on a piece of hardware.
the computer is crazy fast. boots in 18 seconds, running at 3.0ghz, maxing at 52 degrees. quieter than my laptop- even with 9 120mm+ fans at full blast.
i can max every single game i have except for crysis- but i can't complain at the settings i use. fear averages 150fps.
i know its not record breaking by any means, and there are 1000's of setups on this site alone that will benchmark higher, but its still crazy imo.
Small update, bought 2 pieces of HDD Vibration Killer and moved disks to drive bays, behind Scythe Kama Bay with Noctua Fan. Also got my new black SATA cables. The fan for bottom part is now not needed, so i removed it (and maybe i will move front panel cables here because of easier routing.

This is the interior of case :


Still waiting for MB-454 for my server in PC-A17...
Did everything just turned NICE and NEAT after you turned it into R-ATX layout????:)
Thanks, had to buy 3 feet sata cables and 3 pin extenders. In the front I turned the hard drive cage around and routed the power/sata through the back, and the two 120mm fans above it (theres a single dvd drive at the top). Afterwards I spent about 4 hours zip tying and duck taping everything in the back and making it tight and neat.
Zip ties and electrical tape is your friend...I used what I had I spent nothing but time. Dell 2400...It looks a bit better now that I finished it a couple days later I even got rid of the Grey clam shell...It would look much better if I found round cables the right size instead of flat ones. Oh and no worries I was only in the process of swapping hard drives back and forth.
I just did a complete overhaul on my rig...






I routed all of the wires as best I could given the fact that I was excited to get the new motherboard up and running :D I am going to get in there and fix a few of the wires after I get everything setup how I want. I stuffed all the PSU wires in the bottom chamber in front of the PSU... when the side panel is on it don't matter anyway... if you can't see them, they aren't there ;)
What Lian Li case is that TooBooKoo? Did it come with the window on the side panel? I'm kind of looking for a new case to get at some point, and I want a Lian Li, but the ones I found like yours have a different window if they have one at all.

EDIT: I soon found out the answer after hitting 'submit message' and then looking directly at your signature, haha. Though, I'm digging that locking power button. Mind sharing with me where you got that?
Hey CLock3... the LiLi V1000 is an excellent case, I keep thinking of getting something new but just can't find nothing that I like better :) I cut that window using a fine metal blade in a jigsaw... went through the aluminum like it was warm butter.
I got my keyed switch at Fry's electronics... if I remember correctly it was around $6 or so. There's also this website that has some nice keyed switches...
Very easy to wire up, just wire it inline with one leg of the case power switch and that's it. The one I got fit perfectly in the Lian Li stock switch hole with no drilling.
@TooBooKoo nice cable management
anyone use powerlogic atrix 5000 here? i have some problem to do cable management with this case
Here is my old Alienware computer that I havent seen the inside since 2002 that i tried to fix up.

Here is my new one from a few posts ago:

Here it is after attempting to re-wire it.

Look any better?



one 8800 gts is gone, and the other one is on its way to evga for a step-up atm, so i'll be redoing it next weekend... clean enuff?

all in a P182, with the side modded for a window...
one 8800 gts is gone, and the other one is on its way to evga for a step-up atm, so i'll be redoing it next weekend... clean enuff?

all in a P182, with the side modded for a window...

looks great. How hard was the window to put in with the case material being multi-layered? and how did that effect noise output?