Post your workstation 2008 !

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that white fan is just way to out of place... you should paint it black!

first thing that came to mind when i saw the pic was "I see a white fan and i want to paint it black" right before i broke out in a wicked air guitar
Nothing too special. Just a basic computer with a window. Buying a house was more important than a new computer. I did get a computer room .... I think I can live with that.






YES!! it gets very warm... nothing a fan and open windows can't handle (but considering a/c for the window very soon). In the winter its nice. :cool:
GTP, definitely OWN HOUSE > OWN PC! Priorities priorities! Good luck on your payments! Definitely looks like a nice house.
Yes if that attic is representative of your house. . . .. Your house >> Pc.

I'm sort of happy someone has their priorities right. :)
GTP - Nice attic computer room. Lots of space for expansion. I love that little Cartman Big Wheel Cop.

"Respect my AUTHORITAHH!!"
This is an update from the pictures from last summer. My Lian-Li came too! I'll get pictures of that once I install my new parts that are coming Tuesday.

----Click pictures for full size goodness.


Bit more cozy...

Evo, Have you tried putting your bed into the nook and having the corner of your desk @ the window? Seems like you'd have more room.
I have tried that. If I do that then I dont have room for my chair. My rooms is 10 ft x 10 ft or so, can't wait to go back to school in 2 months!

Heres my cruddy looking setup. Removed the hutch from a hand-me-down desk so the monitor could fit. I wish I had an Ikea lol :(
thanks everyone. i will try it soon when i get the mounts for my triple monitor setup ;)
My Lian-Li came too! I'll get pictures of that once I install my new parts that are coming Tuesday.

Off-topic, but how do "you" pronounce "Lian-Li", is it "Lie"-an "Lie", or "Lee"-an "Lee"?

Back on topic, nice glass desk you have there, quite stylish.
Lan - Lee

That's how I say it. That's the only way I've heard it pronounced by everyone at every lan party I've been to as well.
I have a question.

Does having speakers that close to your monitor ruin the monitor?

Not only are most PC speakers shielded, LCDs (AFAIK) are not affected by magnets.
Subwoofers usually are not shielded and shouldn't be placed near a CRT.
Nothing too special. Just a basic computer with a window. Buying a house was more important than a new computer. I did get a computer room .... I think I can live with that.







Nice setup. Very simple and clean ;)
Here's my workstation pic, I really don't like my desk, still searching for a good one that will fit everything properly...
And I'm upgrading those speakers soon and going to dual 24'' (3d modeling and video editing).


Plushies are there because If I put them away (and I want to) the people that have given them to me will get offended if they come to my room and don't see them there...sigh...

And here's a picture of my AV setup...


yeah yeah I'm an early hd dvd adopter... oh well, I still keep it there to balance things out lol, the wii alone looks odd besides the other consoles hehe.
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