Post your workstation 2008 !

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Got my shelf up. That will do for a while I think...


that jessica alba poster is so huge haha.. looks odd in your empty room.. I would convert that wall with smaller posts of jessica alba + others (games, celebrities and etc)
I'll need to get a better pic with a real camera and put them up here. that picture makes it look like garbage ><
Got rid of my Gateway FX and Dell tablet to get the older MBP instead. The Dell X1 makes for a great netbook.

Got rid of my Gateway FX and Dell tablet to get the older MBP instead. The Dell X1 makes for a great netbook.[/omg][/QUOTE]
Kudos for Lucky Star postera & Shinkai desktop ;)
"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."

Ha Ha Ha!!! Love that movie!

On a sidenote, how is everyone able to make their places clean and cool lookin?

You guys must spend days preparing for the pic... lol
I don't think people spend a lot of time preping for their pictures, but I think most people wait until their desk is clean to take the picture. My desk is usually nowhere near as clean as it is when I take the picture.
Damn... you... bad ass mother fucker.

It's really not too hard though. All you have to do is put stuff away after you're done using it. :p Drawers or bins to put stuff in help a lot. Organization is key. Another thing is, chicks like men who are organized. ;)
lucky for me my tendency to clean and organize is genetic, mother and brother are worse :p. Sometimes I let things get a little cluttered but then something just clicks and I organize everything in sight (and most things out of sight)

EDIT -> And yes the ladies do dig a man who is organized :cool:
I do the exact same thing, if my desk get's too cluttered I have a nagging need to clean it. Horray! OCD organizational skills.
Same here Uberbob102000. When my desk sometimes get cluttered from cleaning off a shelf, or out a drawer.. i cant let it sit all messy.. I'll clean it up. put everything back in its rightful position.
I do the exact same thing, if my desk get's too cluttered I have a nagging need to clean it. Horray! OCD organizational skills.

I think I have OCD, but only half the time. Some days, I don't even make my bed, then the next day I take all the keys off my keyboard, and clean it out with a Qtip, and take a knife to clean the little cracks of my mouse to get it clean, then the next day I may not care.
I think I have OCD, but only half the time. Some days, I don't even make my bed, then the next day I take all the keys off my keyboard, and clean it out with a Qtip, and take a knife to clean the little cracks of my mouse to get it clean, then the next day I may not care.
rofl, I though I was the only one who cleaned the cracks of their mouse. hahaha :p
I start every day by organizing my desk, air dusting my keyboard and screens, and windexing my desk surface, mouse pad and mouse feet.
I don't think people spend a lot of time preping for their pictures, but I think most people wait until their desk is clean to take the picture. My desk is usually nowhere near as clean as it is when I take the picture.

reason why I say is some pics are perfect enough to be a in a prime time Mr. Oreck Commercial.

I never let my desk get cluttered.
NEVER??? maybe 99% of the time, but not never.

Damn... you... bad ass mother fucker.

You and me both, but I would have chosen a little nicer words though :D

Same here Uberbob102000. When my desk sometimes get cluttered from cleaning off a shelf, or out a drawer.. i cant let it sit all messy.. I'll clean it up. put everything back in its rightful position.

I need to get some Bins definitely.

I start every day by organizing my desk, air dusting my keyboard and screens, and windexing my desk surface, mouse pad and mouse feet.

I start everyday with a cinnamon roll and Chocolate milk :D
Very Nice fox au!

I love the desk - it compliments all of the black colors in the room and the white bookshelf.
Good question the krk are powered speakers, but the bookshelf's on top don't appear to be so they need an amp or receiver ... and there not exactly stealthy pieces unless its a headphone amp.
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