Power LED connector question


Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2003
I have a Gigabye MA790GPT-UD3H Board and my case has a +pwr led and a -pwr led and the power led connector on my board is a 3 pin, where do i put the + one and where do I put the - one.

Also, The fans in the case came hooked to power cables, should i just unhook them from that and plug them into the mobo itself?
wrong sub forum.. but just put them where you think they go based on what the manual says or look on the motherboard.. if its not in the manual then there should be a diagram on the board where everything goes..

no leave the fans connected to the psu unless you want to know exactly how fast they are spinning which really doesnt matter.. now if they are annoyingly loud.. and dont come with a L/M/H fan control then go ahead and plug them into the motherboard so you can manually control the fan speeds in the bios or with speedfan..
the manual doesnt say and the mobo doesnt say either, it just says led power, and has a three pin connector, my case came with both a positive and a negative led power connecor
It's on page 28 of the English PDF of the manual on Gigabyte's site. The silk-screening on the board (based on Newegg's picture) matches the standard pin-marking convention, though it isn't explicitly labeled.
Pin 1 - MPD +
Pin 2 - MPD -
Pin 3 - MPD -

thats what it says on page 28 for me, I still dont get it, hah
Your MB has a place to plug in a + and a - lead, while your case plug is made for three connections, correct??

Here's what you do:
ground or - is generally always black
the + on the power lead will generally be green or red
look at the spacing on the case connector, I would bet there is a wire in the first and third slot, leaving the middle open???.

You can use this case connector with your MB by simply moving one or the other wires so that they connect properly.
Take a jewelers screwdriver and GENTLY lift up on the little tab that holds the case wire (black or red, your choice) in place. Slide the wire out and move it over so the case wires now correspond to the layout on the MB header.

Second question, if the fans have connectors to correspond to the MB fan headers, by all means use them.....less wires to mess with.:)
The power LED is just a diode, the MB puts out 5 Vdc.

So even if you hook it up backwards you won't kill it. It just won't light.

For 2 Pin connector:

when you install the plug put it on so that it connects pin 1 and 2. If one of the wires to the plug is green I suggest you try pin 1 for that wire. If this does not work, flip it around and try it the other way.

Don't bother trying pins 2 to 3. based on Owskie's research both are ground so that won't light anything.

For 3 pin connector

when you install the plug put it on so that it connects pin 1 and 3. If one of the wires to the plug is green I suggest you try pin 1 for that wire. If this does not work, flip it around and try it the other way.
No, my motherboard has 3 pins, I have 2 connectors from my case.

Yes, 1 is + and the other two are grounds on the MB side.
Just place the case connector so your colored wire contacts the + MB connector, and thre other will necessarily contact one of the - contacts on the MB.

It will work just fine that way.