power sup mod questions

Dec 13, 2005
I'm still in the planning phase of a new case mod, and I had a question reguarding the power supply....

Basicly I want to make the wiring of this case as neat as possible. I want to make the wires from the power supply exact lenghts so they can be routed and hidden perfectly. Can I just cut and splice the wires comming out of the power supply and slap some heatshrink on them? (I was planning on sleaving them too), Or should I open the power supply up and sodder new wires in place of the oldones....Or is there an easier way?

I know this idea is sounding like a pain in the ass, but I just want everything to be perfect. Anyone have any ideas? Will this mess up voltages etc.?? :confused:
If you do it correctly you shouldn't mess up any of the voltages, but be sure to check the rails for their proper voltages before putting it back in a system.

As I see it you could either create a modular power supply, or just unsolder the lines you arn't going to use and shorten any other lengths at the same time.

I have noticed that if you try to shorten the lines by unsoldering them from the PSU PCB sometimes its hard to get them back in place. Either because they use high temp solder or the placement of the wire holes are too close together. So you might want to just splice them, shorten, solder, and heat shrink as you suggested yourself.
Destos said:
If you do it correctly you shouldn't mess up any of the voltages, but be sure to check the rails for their proper voltages before putting it back in a system.

As I see it you could either create a modular power supply, or just unsolder the lines you arn't going to use and shorten any other lengths at the same time.

I have noticed that if you try to shorten the lines by unsoldering them from the PSU PCB sometimes its hard to get them back in place. Either because they use high temp solder or the placement of the wire holes are too close together. So you might want to just splice them, shorten, solder, and heat shrink as you suggested yourself.

Cool! :cool:
Thanks, Destos. I will probably be making most of them longer, not shorter. I was afraid of unsoldering lines on the psu... That just seemed a little crazy.
This is just going to be a small part of the whole mod that I'm working on.. I'm just working on all of the details still.
From a professional's standpoint, there really is no problem with adding or removing wire to make the run shorter or longer. However, I would never really suggest you unsolder something from the PSU PCB itself. From what I've had to do as it is, I couldn't imagine trying to get that wire back through the PCB; sounds like a real nightmare.

No, you'll be just fine with cutting/adding/soldering/shrinking then simply smiling as all your wires disappear.

n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
Cool! :cool:
Thanks, Destos. I will probably be making most of them longer, not shorter. I was afraid of unsoldering lines on the psu... That just seemed a little crazy.
This is just going to be a small part of the whole mod that I'm working on.. I'm just working on all of the details still.
Levell0rd said:
From a professional's standpoint, there really is no problem with adding or removing wire to make the run shorter or longer. However, I would never really suggest you unsolder something from the PSU PCB itself.

I have removed extra wires from the PSU PCB a few times. There are a couple of things you need to watch for (I have learned from experience):
- Manufacturers of cheap PSUs tend to cram several wires into a small space and then use huge globs of solder to hold them together and to the PSU circuit board. When unsoldering these, you need to be careful to not short circuit to another voltage (due to the huge globs of solder melting and running somewhere it should not).
- Some PSUs have internal voltage sense jumper wires (usually labeled "+S" and "-S")... and usually on the +5V and +3.3 rails. If you inadvertently remove the internal sense jumpers, the PSU may no longer turn on, or won't regulate properly.
Thanks guys! This is some great info... I will probably ask some more questions soon.
and stay tuned for a worklog when I get out of this planning/sketching/how-the-hell-do-I-do-this stage!
This mod is going to be freekin [H]!