PowerBooks vs MBP (screen comparison)

a ronin

Jan 29, 2003
Can someone please do a comparison on the screen brightnest/quality? How much brighter did Apple Steve say the new screens are compared to the older models? 60% or something insane like that?

One of the main gripes about PC notebooks are that it's terrible for viewing angles and the brightness is utter crap. Anyone with a new notebook and Cinema Display confirm the equality of the screen because that is Apple's claim. They're the same brightness, specs, etc.

Reason for asking is there are a lot of good deals for old PowerBooks, namely the 17" HD model.

My 20" Cinema Display, Beside my Macbook Pro...

Well, using the same colour profile on each computer provides very different results. The sRBG profile on the Cinema display is... more saturated?

I was able to calibrate the MBP display so that they are almost identical. On Battery power, I'd say the MBP screen is 95% of what the Cinema display is.

I can turn my book about 160' in either direction before I get colour distortion. However, colours are easily distorted when moving the screen up or down (er, closing or opening it in this case I bet). Changes can be noticed in even a 10' tilt. The Hinges are VERY solid on this thing. Much better than my 867 mhz TiBook (the screen's about 40% brighter too) so I don't worry about accidental tilting of the screen (and thus colour distortion).

I had 1 flaw in my screen, the bottom left corner has a tiny area that is more illuminated than the rest. I fixed it by removing the case, and applying a little bit of black sharpie marker right under the bezel. It did a world of good (to a practically unnoticable flaw).

All in All, I'm VERY pleased with the screen quality. I wouldn't say it's as nice as the TIBook (I had an awesome screen on that one, even apple technicians praised it's unusual clarity) but maybe... 85% up to standard? The extra resolution is awesome too.

Good enough
Thanks for the feedback. Was looking for more substantive information to help me make up my mind. Along the lines of "Get a PB 17" if it's the same as the MBP.

Sorry, I"m not being for pleasant for some reason or grateful for your help. Just extremely vexed with the choice of between great HD resolution versus the "whole package" option.

Balance is key, but my defintion of balance seems to meander all the time.