Preparing for Thief 4 and want the best experience


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 13, 2002
Currently, I have a GTX 570 which has served me well since...well, whenever it came out. :p

I'd like to upgrade to a video card (nVidia only) that will allow me to run Thief 4 at 2560x1600 with all eye candy turned up and AT LEAST 4x MSAA. Any suggestions? I've been eying the 780 Ti, but it's too expensive.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Oh yeah, forgot the specs of my rig.

i7 2600K @ 4.4Ghz
32GB DDR3 1333 1600MHz
Samsung 512GB SSD 830
XFX Pro 1250W PSU
HP 30" monitor
Wait for benchmarks. You may change your mind about "Nvidia only" if MANTLE actually delivers.

Taking out a layer of software between the game and the video card has the potential to give really good gains in speed.
It's easy to just say "Get a titan" as that will check all your boxes, but as others have said wait on the benchmarks. Mantle and (to a lesser extent) trueaudio have the potential to be game changing.
Being that the game is using Unreal Engine 3? I'd say most hardware will run it just fine.
Being that the game is using Unreal Engine 3? I'd say most hardware will run it just fine.

Excuse me??? This is the first I've heard this. If that were the case, I'd be really disappointed. Thief 3 used the UE3 engine. I'm willing to bet Thief 4 isn't.
No, it is definitely using UE3. UE3 isn't bad at all, though - all of the Batman games also used UE3 and they all looked quite nice. If you recall, UE3 has implemented quite a lot of DX11 features to remain competitive with other multiplatform engines, and to date UE3 is still the most popular engine for multiplatform titles.

Keep in mind that UE3 has evolved quite a lot over the years. It has not remained "static". I'm also unsure what engine Thief 3 used, but i'm certain it wasn't UE3 was it? I mean that was years and YEARS ago. My main point though is that UE3 generally runs fine on a wide variety of hardware - both low end and high end. So I don't see Thief 4 as being super-demanding, and the preview screenshots would seem to collaborate that. It looks pretty nice but it certainly isn't a Crysis 3 or Metro: LL.
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No, it is definitely using UE3. UE3 isn't necessarily bad, it just isn't the best. All of the Batman games also used UE3 and they all looked quite nice.

Keep in mind that UE3 has evolved quite a lot over the years. It has not remained "static". Thief 3 also wasn't UE3. Was it? I mean that was years and YEARS ago.

Sorry, you're right. Thief 3 was UE2, which was really not too terribly different than UE3 IMO. Makes everything look cartoony.

I'm really disappointed that Thief 4 uses UE3. I really thought it was using UE4 or some other better engine. Here's to hoping that it doesn't turn out to be cartoony, because that's going to seriously piss me off. That was some of the great things about the Dark Radiant engine, which was used for Thief 1 and 2. I mean, the levels in those games were MASSIVE for their time, and had almost no hitching or stuttering, or the ridiculous level load portals like Thief 3 had (which was due to console crap).
I don't see UE3 as a disappointment. I thought UE3 was pretty great in Borderlands 2 and all of the Batman games. Sure, those games weren't quite as visually spectacular as Crysis 3 but they still looked great; I also have not had any hitching or stuttering issues with any UE3 game.

I don't think you have a reason to worry. I'm just saying - I think the game will run fine on a wide variety of hardware, but will still have reasonably nice graphics. Just like the Batman and Borderlands games did. That's aside from the fact that even *if* the graphics aren't super demanding, if the gameplay is there, it is fine with me. The Thief series is one of my favorites from way back in the day, so i'm quite looking forward to it.
Thief? LOL The Witcher 3! nuff said :D

Stealth game... & Action RPG....


Oranges and Apples?

To the OP. Anything over a 770 will probably play the game at 1080p or above fine. But as other said wait for benchmarks.. Even though they are not that accurate.. They can give you an idea.
Ue3 is not very demanding.. Batman arkham origin run on it and pretty well even with heavily patched functions like teselation, hdao+ etc
It's a month away. Wait for the benchmarks so you can make an informed decision, not a speculative one. ;)
Yeah Nvidia only more than likely wont get you the best experience in Thief 4, I dare say a 290 would be a better option if you can actually find one.

Also I wouldn't worry about it being UE3, the renderer looks like it's been completely over hauled.