Presenting the AMD 586

I think I've still got my first computer somewhere in the attic at my parents house, can't even remember the name but it plugged into a tv and ran on tapes and I got it when I was around 6 years old from my uncle...First real computer was a tandy 1000 with a whopping 4mhz 8088 and 512k of ram (and 2 5.25" floppies, no hd).
first pc I ever used at home was from this mob

it was a microbee series 3 I think (I was 8). I remember getting my dad to buy me computer magazines so I could type in the code for various BASIC based games.

Went from that to a Amstrad 8086 box. Had a EGA card and TWO 5 1/4inch drives. Had lots of fun with that, I remember Monkey Island having 8 5 1/4 inch disks and begging my parents for an ORIGINAL ISA Soundblaster (I remember playing around with my mates with the voice recording, we where amazed.....then came the whole .mod scene) so that I could hear the great music. Lots of adventure games those days.

Then the next one was a 486DX50 (not DX2) with a TsengLabs ET4000. My mate had a DX2-66. Thing was, with a 50mhz VLB, my pc smoked his in Doom. Plus I remember dragging my pc to my mates place, serial connection to his then using Kali to dial into our other mate for 3 player deathmatches.

Then at uni, got the p90 and so on.....[-]ard for life...
8 mhz!?!?! HOLY SHIT.

I bet you could overclock that thing to NINE mhz on phase-change!

I grew up using, I dont remember. I was too young (around 5-6). All I remember is the 5 1\2 disks on it and playing games like breakout and things.

My first actual computer that I owned was an intel celeron when I about 8 or so. Then around 9 my brother built me a pretty fast box (amd, cant remember the model, it had a VIA chipset, was about 800mhz). It crashed all the time (thanks VIA). Around then we got the cable internet and I got into multiplayer gaming. Been a huge fps fan ever since :). At 12 I built my first box, and it was really nice at the time 2.8ghz intel p4. Its now my backup rig . At 14 I upgraded it to liquid cooling, gave it a huge makeover, organized the wires, popped in a 6800gt, ramsinks, flashy fan grills, cathodes. Now im 15, and my new rig is around the corner. Dual loop liquid cooling, amd 64 4000+ san diego core, you can read the rest of the specs in my sig.

good times. never again will i go back to amd.
That's a nice find. Not the beginning of AMD but a very nice collectors piece...
What I get a chuckle out of, is the kids who bitch about their ping on a 3Mb cable modem. They have NO idea how painful it is to look back at my days on a 300 baudphone modem. You guys remember the ones where you had to hang your phone on. Upgrade to a supra 2400 baud was incredible!!
ooww too old for me, my first puter was a PII, but parents had one from '88, dont know what it was. First AMD was when my dad upgraded in 99 to a Thunderbird was it? similar to PIII. Now ive got the powerhouse at home, Opty 170 after so many years with Intel :D
To the OP, you should see how good she OC's!!!

I remember my first self built system was a P166MMX, i still have it, it can overclock to 250mhz no prob!
SpoogeMonkey said:
What I get a chuckle out of, is the kids who bitch about their ping on a 3Mb cable modem. They have NO idea how painful it is to look back at my days on a 300 baudphone modem. You guys remember the ones where you had to hang your phone on. Upgrade to a supra 2400 baud was incredible!!

I used to work helpdesk for a aussie ISP back in the day (1995ish) and this was just the thing when you could start getting 28.8k modems. Lots of people where going from 14.4k to 28.8k, but didn't know they had to also (in most cases) upgrade their serial ports as their UARTs were only 8250s (limited to 19200bps I think) and not the faster 16550s (115kps I think). So you'd have people calling saying

"I am trying to download the internet but it keeps disconnecting and going really slowly"

PLUS, funny thing, I remember sending all these people with the 8250s off to our local "Best Buy" (Harvey Norman over in oz) to grab a new serial card. The thing I found out just a few years ago from a aussie guy working over here as well, turns out he worked for Harvey Norman, in the computer peripheral section and they didn't sell these cards. He told me he would get 10-20 people each day of the weekend asking for serial cards with some kind of UART thing on them.

You gotta laugh.
My first chip was a 12MHz 286 (made on an IBM fab I think).
My first AMD chip was a 35MHz 386. w00t.
SpoogeMonkey said:
What I get a chuckle out of, is the kids who bitch about their ping on a 3Mb cable modem. They have NO idea how painful it is to look back at my days on a 300 baudphone modem. You guys remember the ones where you had to hang your phone on. Upgrade to a supra 2400 baud was incredible!!
Dude, I was all about the Hayes 2400 internal ISA modem I had. When I first ran my bulletin board, that's what I had. That's when multiplayer online gaming consisted of TradeWars. :)
GilmourD said:
Dude, I was all about the Hayes 2400 internal ISA modem I had. When I first ran my bulletin board, that's what I had. That's when multiplayer online gaming consisted of TradeWars. :)

Legend of the Red Dragon.
I had one of those chips. I had popped it into an old Gateway box I got for free.

Damn that thing cranked for the day :D
Kristo said:
Legend of the Red Dragon.
Oh, Christ. This thread is bring up some OLD memories. Wow... I used to have a "Kill Barney" game on my board, too. LOL

Close, but not the biggest ISA card I have seen ;). Have you ever seen a Soundblaster AWE32 ISA card? Those things are enormous, when I had my K6-2/VIA system that soundcard was bigger than the motherboard. Hell, the AWE32 even had its own RAM slots (which I had filled with 32 megs worth of SIMMs)
NulloModo said:
Close, but not the biggest ISA card I have seen ;). Have you ever seen a Soundblaster AWE32 ISA card? Those things are enormous, when I had my K6-2/VIA system that soundcard was bigger than the motherboard. Hell, the AWE32 even had its own RAM slots (which I had filled with 32 megs worth of SIMMs)
You know what I just realized? I think I have stuff like this in an old box somewhere... I had an AWE32 once upon a time, and it might be in that box. If I find it, I'll take pictures of all the shit I have.
GilmourD said:
You know what I just realized? I think I have stuff like this in an old box somewhere... I had an AWE32 once upon a time, and it might be in that box. If I find it, I'll take pictures of all the shit I have.

It was an awesome soundcard wasn't it? That thing lasted me for 5 years through three systems. Finally had to toss it when my next motherboard didn't have ISA slots...
NulloModo said:
It was an awesome soundcard wasn't it? That thing lasted me for 5 years through three systems. Finally had to toss it when my next motherboard didn't have ISA slots...
Yeah, it went from my Am386DX40 to my P166. Nice card, and same here. My PII-450 only had 1 ISA slot, and that was taken by the modem. Then my next board (KT7-RAID) had built in sound which was alright.
At work we have a couple chips that have AMD logos on them, I may just buy one for shits and giggles.
GilmourD said:
You know what I just realized? I think I have stuff like this in an old box somewhere... I had an AWE32 once upon a time, and it might be in that box. If I find it, I'll take pictures of all the shit I have.
here yah go.
K5 K6 Celery and the world famous
flynlr said:
here yah go.
K5 K6 Celery and the world famous
Are the memory slots on the other side? I thought everything was on one side...
flynlr said:
this one was oem doesnt have em/.
Also, got a pic of the topside of that Celery? I didn't know they made non-fliptop Celeries.
GilmourD said:
You know what I just realized? I think I have stuff like this in an old box somewhere... I had an AWE32 once upon a time, and it might be in that box. If I find it, I'll take pictures of all the shit I have.

back home in australia i still have my p90 which has a gravis ultrasound in it.

that was a wicked soundcard.
Had my first comptuer when I was 5 or 6, it was from a bank from what I know, and it had a 286 in it I think, all I know is that it had Windows 3.11 for Workgroups on it, and I learned how to change all the settings by myself, like turning off those annoying mouse trails.
Kristo said:
back home in australia i still have my p90 which has a gravis ultrasound in it.

that was a wicked soundcard.

The Gravis Ultrasound was indeed a kickass soundcard in it's day. It killed the old isa soundblasters, and the demos/mods guys were making with it were awesome.
offtopic side question(AKA This is a HIJACK anyone move and i blow the plane(delta force 1 quote) i remember my first computer had the uber elite turbo button? wth did that do? and why was it an OPTION to make the computer go faster.. i noticed it was alot faster when it was on, all i used to do was play f19 stealth fighter over and over anyway whats the turbo button do please tell me please please
Rasha said:
offtopic side question(AKA This is a HIJACK anyone move and i blow the plane(delta force 1 quote) i remember my first computer had the uber elite turbo button? wth did that do? and why was it an OPTION to make the computer go faster.. i noticed it was alot faster when it was on, all i used to do was play f19 stealth fighter over and over anyway whats the turbo button do please tell me please please

It was for compatibilty mode with software taht malfunctined when it ran at the faster clockspeeds of certain processors. It was achieved a number of ways.
First computer was a Commodore 64, with a tape drive, a dot matrix printer and a modem. Favorite game to play was Archon... I loved that! I wish there was a remake of that game somewhere.

First "real" puter was an Intel 8088XT (I think it was an 8088)... 4 Mhz with Turbo to 10MHz! Had that in college with DOS, Lotus 123, Word Perfect 5.1 and Tetris!

From then on... lots of different machines
flynlr said:
this one was oem doesnt have em/.

My OEM AWE32 had the memory slots... I had 32MB of RAM on the thing as well, I asked the guy in the store for 4MB modules but he made a mistake and gave me 16MB ones instead. That rocked! :D

The thing that didn't rock were the cheap plastic clips that held the memory in. After a while they would break from normal use and you'd have to glue the RAM in place.
My first "computer" was a TRS-80 (Tandy/Radio Shack) with tapedrive...
Then an Amiga 500. That thing ran at 7MHz on a 68000 motorola chip, and had a whopping 512k of ram, upgradable to 1meg with a memory card the size of a piece of wonderbread. Hell, my mom still has it... I'll have to take some pics next time I go up to visit. Has a HD module for it, with a scsi 50meg drive and 2 extra megs of ram. Smokin'!
and I thought my old K6 computer was old...

Too bad it got run over by a mini-van :D Aye, Tons of fun indeed. Nothing like seeing an old computer hit by a minivan @ 55 mph
VoloxitySF said:
and I thought my old K6 computer was old...

Too bad it got run over by a mini-van :D Aye, Tons of fun indeed. Nothing like seeing an old computer hit by a minivan @ 55 mph
:eek: How'd that one get set up?
i have a littel supprise for you guys but it will have to wait till morning... alot of people have see 8086's and 8088's... 3-4 and 586's but this ones an odd balland im gonna make ya wait for it

thore said:
i have a littel supprise for you guys but it will have to wait till morning... alot of people have see 8086's and 8088's... 3-4 and 586's but this ones an odd balland im gonna make ya wait for it

A few hours later, and nothing. LOL I think you're taking lessons on how to be a tease from (cf)Eclipse. LOL