pricing info on woodcrest?


May 5, 2000
Recently stumbled over early Conroe pricing info here on the forum. So I was wondering if a similarly leaked pricing scheme for woodcrest exists? Thanks in advance,
wizzackr said:
Recently stumbled over early Conroe pricing info here on the forum. So I was wondering if a similarly leaked pricing scheme for woodcrest exists? Thanks in advance,

More than you can afford pal. LMAO... just kidding. I would imagin that they would be in the standard Xeon price range with the top end going for around $1k or so. And the bottom end around what... 500 or so? I wouldn't go looking for that $300 woodcrest if I were you. :D
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5160 3.00GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 850US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5150 2.66GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 690US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5140 2.33GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 455US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5130 2.00GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 316US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5120 1.86GHZ/1066FSB/4MB 256US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5110 1.60GHZ/1066FSB/4MB 209US 80W

Future: Xeon DP LV Woodcrest 5148 2.33GHZ/1333FSB/4MB xxxUS 40W
coldpower27 said:
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5160 3.00GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 850US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5150 2.66GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 690US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5140 2.33GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 455US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5130 2.00GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 316US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5120 1.86GHZ/1066FSB/4MB 256US 80W
Future: Xeon DP Woodcrest 5110 1.60GHZ/1066FSB/4MB 209US 80W

Future: Xeon DP LV Woodcrest 5148 2.33GHZ/1333FSB/4MB xxxUS 40W

Where did you get that from? Damn... those are actually pretty cheap if that's accurate. I stand corrected. :D
Poncho said:
I wouldn't go looking for that $300 woodcrest if I were you. :D
coldpower27 said:
Xeon DP Woodcrest 5130 2.00GHZ/1333FSB/4MB 316US 80W


Thanks a lot guys. I am currently looking into adding 4 more workstations to our studio. We are a small company and cannot afford dedicated render-nodes, so we need capable workstations that do the job over night (and weekends and coffee-breaks etc ;) ).

Needless to say I was following the recent Conroe benchmarks quite anxiously and had been calculating like mad as to what will be the best bang-for-buck solutionfactoring in the software costs of about 1000 bucks per seat. So far I favoured the ASUS Opteron board and go 2 x 265, but this whole core-tech screwed up my calculations quite badly :p

Anyways - I'll try to hold out till woddcrest hits the shelves, now.
wizzackr said:
Anyways - I'll try to hold out till woddcrest hits the shelves, now.

Also note that the new server platform will use FBDIMMs. Now, I haven't heard final pricing but i do know that they will cost more than Registered DDR2, how much more is up in the air at the moment. But I don't think it'll be that much more.
Is there some obvious reason I am missing for a gamer not to get a woodcrest, seeing as they'll be out sooner and also assuming a few hundred bucks either way isn't a big deal..?
I mean if intel is releasing a 3.33 XE conroe in july I'll wait, but if it's 3.0 or less ghz i might as well get the woodcrest system sooner, cuz i've had it with this pc neways..
devil22 said:
Is there some obvious reason I am missing for a gamer not to get a woodcrest, seeing as they'll be out sooner and also assuming a few hundred bucks either way isn't a big deal..?
I mean if intel is releasing a 3.33 XE conroe in july I'll wait, but if it's 3.0 or less ghz i might as well get the woodcrest system sooner, cuz i've had it with this pc neways..

If you don't mind spending a few grand on a board, procs, and memory.... then sure. :D
Poncho said:
If you don't mind spending a few grand on a board, procs, and memory.... then sure. :D

I don't get what u mean. woodcrest cpus are about the same price as conroes..Lessee, the woodcrest 3.0ghz/1333mhz FSB is about 850, and the conroe XE 3.3ghz/1333Mhz FSB is about 1150..a 3.0ghz/1333mhz fsb conroe could be expected to go for about 850 give or take a few bucks. Are MB and RAM really that much more for woodcrest, and why would that be?
devil22 said:
I don't get what u mean. woodcrest cpus are about the same price as conroes..Lessee, the woodcrest 3.0ghz/1333mhz FSB is about 850, and the conroe XE 3.3ghz/1333Mhz FSB is about 1150..a 3.0ghz/1333mhz fsb conroe could be expected to go for about 850 give or take a few bucks. Are MB and RAM really that much more for woodcrest, and why would that be?

Well A) you've got to buy 2 procs (don't have to I suppose) B) a good workstation board will run you a few hundred bucks C) FBDIMMs are the real killer here. They'll cost more than Registered DDR2 and that's only at 533. You don't even want to think about what the 667 FBDIMMs will run. LOL. Oh... and don't forget a new power supply unless you already have an 700 watt EPS supply.

Now.. that's provided you can even get them since the first ones will probably go to the OEMs.
Poncho said:
Well A) you've got to buy 2 procs (don't have to I suppose) B) a good workstation board will run you a few hundred bucks C) FBDIMMs are the real killer here. They'll cost more than Registered DDR2 and that's only at 533. You don't even want to think about what the 667 FBDIMMs will run. LOL. Oh... and don't forget a new power supply unless you already have an 700 watt EPS supply.

Now.. that's provided you can even get them since the first ones will probably go to the OEMs.

hey poncho - it is this I'm looking for, right? Considering how early it is I was expecting something even worse to be honest. The 533 version is basically double the price for decent non-ECC DDR-2 modules here in Europe - and that is not factoring in any potential price-drop due to increased production etc.

For our purpose it will probably still be cheaper to have 4 cores on one expensive board with expensive RAM etc. than two seperate rigs: Compared to a single processor workstation I am basically facing 50 bucks more for the PSU, an additional 350 for the second processor, around 200 over a standard single processor mainboard and the same for the RAM. Let's say 800 for the additional 2 cores. The Killer would be all the software licenses, though, as that would really make a second rig a lot more expensive.
wizzackr said:
hey poncho - it is this I'm looking for, right? Considering how early it is I was expecting something even worse to be honest. The 533 version is basically double the price for decent non-ECC DDR-2 modules here in Europe - and that is not factoring in any potential price-drop due to increased production etc.

Well, first I don't speak german so I don't know how much that is. But what I can say is that they aren't even being sold yet, so I wouldn't believe the price till they come out everywhere. Also... there are some specifics with 667 that I can't get into... but let me just say that I am suspect. Look... it'll cost you more to go with a Woodcrest solution than just waiting an extra month or so for Conroe, not to mention the extra heat and noise that you'll get with a workstation. And with the PC in your sig.... there isn't any reason not to wait a bit longer.
Poncho said:
Look... it'll cost you more to go with a Woodcrest solution than just waiting an extra month or so for Conroe, not to mention the extra heat and noise that you'll get with a workstation. And with the PC in your sig.... there isn't any reason not to wait a bit longer.

i think you are confusing me with devil22, who posted earlier. i do not want to get woodcrest just to cut off a week before conroe gets launched. we need 4 more workstations with as much bang for buck as possible to reduce software cost overhead - which is why I am possibly looking into woodcrest. Thanks for the info, though ;)
wizzackr said:
hey - you are confusing me with devil22, who posted earlier. we need 4 more workstations with as much bang for buck as possible to reduce software cost overhead - which is why I am possibly looking into woodcrest. Thanks for the info, though ;)

LOL... you are right. My bad. :D
devil22 said:
I don't get what u mean. woodcrest cpus are about the same price as conroes..Lessee, the woodcrest 3.0ghz/1333mhz FSB is about 850, and the conroe XE 3.3ghz/1333Mhz FSB is about 1150..a 3.0ghz/1333mhz fsb conroe could be expected to go for about 850 give or take a few bucks. Are MB and RAM really that much more for woodcrest, and why would that be?

I would imagine woodcrest motherboards are not going to be geared for gaming/general use like Xeon boards were..

Expect alot of features you dont need, and features you want but they wont have.

They are better for what wizzackr wants these systems to do.
Poncho said:
... Oh... and don't forget a new power supply unless you already have an 700 watt EPS supply.

You aren't familiar with Woodcrest thermals otherwise I can't see why you've said this , which is kinda strange...
savantu said:
You aren't familiar with Woodcrest thermals otherwise I can't see why you've said this , which is kinda strange...

You're not familar with FBDIMMs thermals or the thermals of anything else on this next server/workstation platform. Believe me.... the proc isn't the only power hungry component to a system anymore.
Poncho said:
You're not familar with FBDIMMs thermals or the thermals of anything else on this next server/workstation platform. Believe me.... the proc isn't the only power hungry component to a system anymore.

I understand FBDIMM thermals pretty well from RWT discussions but they are nowhere near the magnitude you imply.The talk was something like 100w more for 32GB vs. plain DDR2.

And the guys ( DK ) there have reviewed Bensley with Dempsey...
savantu said:
I understand FBDIMM thermals pretty well from RWT discussions but they are nowhere near the magnitude you imply.The talk was something like 100w more for 32GB vs. plain DDR2.

And the guys ( DK ) there have reviewed Bensley with Dempsey...

Maybe the 700 watts is a bit overkill, though I wouldn't run anythign less on a full system. By the time you add a high end video card, a few hard drives, a couple gigs of FBDIMMs, etc you'll be pusing the limits of anything less than that. Have you looked into the power requirements of the ESB2 and MCH? Also what Dempseys were they running? Some skus of Dempsey are running in the 95 watt range, not much more than a high end woodcrest.

All I'm saying is that he will need a new power supply, and not some 40 dollar cheap ass supply. Understand?