Privacy Spray Removes All Traces Of DNA From Surfaces

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
What could possibly go wrong?

The Invisible sprays have been created by artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg. The Erase spray claims to remove 99.95% of DNA from surfaces. 'Replace' removes the final 0.5% by mixing it with other genetic material. Makers BioGenFutures claims Invisible will go on sale for $99 (£58) in June.
can i use the erase spray on the sheets in my super 6 motel before laying down for the night XD
The will probably start selling it in gas stations in the murder/rape section. Anyone else ever notice they have a section in gas stations that sells gloves,rope, and duct tape WTF!!!
The will probably start selling it in gas stations in the murder/rape section. Anyone else ever notice they have a section in gas stations that sells gloves,rope, and duct tape WTF!!!

Do they also sell shovels?

You know, just in case......
can it be used internally? I really am tired of getting called up on the Maury show for those damn "baby daddy" tests.
When the forensic investigators do their DNA testing on a scene that was cleaned up by Invisible, do they then come to the conclusion that the perpetrator must have been the Invisible Man?

*Ba dum tshh*
What will be funny is if an identifying marker is put in each bottle of spray.
The will probably start selling it in gas stations in the murder/rape section. Anyone else ever notice they have a section in gas stations that sells gloves,rope, and duct tape WTF!!!

Selling these items as a matter of convenience isn't really that big of a deal by itself. The problem is that they generally put that section right next to the sex aids and over-the-counter medications, at least at the gas stations near where I live. What exactly are the implying? ;)
The will probably start selling it in gas stations in the murder/rape section. Anyone else ever notice they have a section in gas stations that sells gloves,rope, and duct tape WTF!!!
Right next to the sleep-aid pills... sometimes truckers get lonely so far away from home.
I saw some crusty stuff on a Microsoft Tablet in a store. Is that what that was?
Selling these items as a matter of convenience isn't really that big of a deal by itself. The problem is that they generally put that section right next to the sex aids and over-the-counter medications, at least at the gas stations near where I live. What exactly are the implying? ;)

Larger stores perform studies and group items together that people regularly buy at the same time. Part of what they use shopper cards for...

graham crackers + marshmallows.... duct tape + shovels... ti hee hee
Well there's an idea they didn't think about in Dexter...

Holy mother of coincidence, the photo credit on that one. :eek:
$100 for a bottle of bleach/water solution? I think I need to get in this business.

If they were clever, they would have made it more like a bug bomb, fogger.
The writers of CSI are busy inventing (i.e. writing) new fictional devices that can reconstruct evidence from fictional DNA samples.
can i use the erase spray on the sheets in my super 6 motel before laying down for the night XD

Nah, that's where they collect the replace portion from prior to bottling it. It's sort of like making tea from cheap motel sheets that haven't been changed in a month.
$100 for a bottle of bleach/water solution? I think I need to get in this business.

If they were clever, they would have made it more like a bug bomb, fogger.

I thought the right solution would be ammonia and water. Good thing I burned the last place down after.
"'Replace', on the other hand, is an obfuscation spray that adds a mixture of genetic material to a DNA sample to cloak the details of the original."

I grab the vial of Replace and drink it. What happens next?
Criminals will buy it by the case from Amazon.

No need, we know a $1.99 gallon of bleach mixed 50/50 with water taints any sample taken and makes any possible genetic evidence dismissable in court.....
You know, just sayin