Problem with Corsair RAM being reported in Windows


Pumpkin Ghost
Apr 24, 2005
I build my new rig a few days ago (Specs in sig) and ran Memtest86 on it before I installed my OS. I have 32GB of ram total, and Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit. I've noticed that sometimes when I start my PC up from a cold boot Windows only sees 24 of my 32GB of RAM. I noticed this the other day when I opened up the task manager to check a few things. A simple reboot will fix the issue and Windows will see all 32GB again. Right now I am using XMP profile 1 on my MB. Any ideas? I shouldn't have to reboot my machine here and there just to get all of my RAM to show up.
and ran Memtest86 on it before I installed my OS

How many passes? Remember 1 pass will likely not find marginal ram at all. You need to run memtest86+ 5.XX in multithreaded mode for at least 12 hours. I have had systems fail memtest86+ after 72 hours.
How many passes? Remember 1 pass will likely not find marginal ram at all. You need to run memtest86+ 5.XX in multithreaded mode for at least 12 hours. I have had systems fail memtest86+ after 72 hours.

Okay I will do that tonight. I let it run for a single pass.
Either memory or the slot of the memory..

Your going to have do each stick individually.. but on the bright side, it will give you plenty of time to catch up on pornhub
I've found Prime 95 to be better at testing RAM than memtest, and much faster too.

But in your case the first thing I'd do is clean and reseat the RAM.
So after a bit to tinkering I think the issue is with the XMP profiles. I'm going to keep playing with it to try and nail down the issue.
This sounds like a slam dunk reason to save time and RMA the ram set. Especially with it being Corsair - they have great customer service.
This sounds like a slam dunk reason to save time and RMA the ram set. Especially with it being Corsair - they have great customer service.

Well it definitely seems to be the XMP profile. I set it to the second one, and there has not been any odd behavior. All the tests I ran such as memtest didn't report any errors so I don't know about the RMA thing. I know that XMP profiles can be funny so I'm fairly satisfied with the answer.
Last update:

So as it turns out I was only half correct. The main source of my odd system behavior was the stupid Sleep State, or hybrid sleep in W8 which is enabled by default. For some reason the system played nicer when I enable the lower XMP profile with these settings. What gave it all away was I looked down this morning after a cold boot (or what I thought was a cold boot) and notice the code on my MB was reading "40" - Then after logging into Windows my PC hard locked for about two minutes while the code was still 40.

Needless to say I looked it up in my MB manual, and was able to find out what that meant. Well hopefully it's all fixed now. I edited my power settings, and I'm gonna change my XMP profile back and see what happens. Thanks for all the input!