Problem with tearing


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2006
Hey dudes,

Today i was testing my FPS with fraps on BF2. And i found out i even get tearing with less than 60 frames per second.
Monitor i have is a Samsung Syncmaster 204B 20'' monitor.(TFT)

I dont know whats the problem. Is it fraps that gives me some bad indication?
enable Vsync that stops my tearing and maxes me at 60 Fps but thats godo enough for me
Try lowering your video card overclock.

Tearing is not supposed to happen with vertical sync... that is the entire purpose of it.
I'm having the same problem with Quake4.

Doesn't matter if its 800x600 or 1600x1200... vsync on or off, I get tearing all of the above.

Tomorrow I'm going to install the SyncMaster software, hoping that might help, plus try triple buffering and other settings. If I can't fix it by monday, Imma just take the 204B back to bestbuy and find a CRT.