Problems hooking up 3 mismatch Korean brand monitors


Apr 5, 2011
I have a Yamakasi, Qnix, and X-star. They are all at 59hz, same 2560x1440p resolution, though I am not sure about sync polarity.

I'm having trouble seeing the 3rd monitor when I hook it up to my GTX 770 4gb version.

I'm using both DVI ports and HDMI for the third monitor. I'm unable to utilize the monitor that's hooked up via HDMI. I can't even select it in Screen Resolution but the computer does detect it (same in Nvidia setting, two monitors are green the third is gray).

Nvidia states I can just plug in the monitor using HDMI, however, all 3 monitors I'm using only have DVI output and no Display Port. So i'm using a DVI to HDMI cable to hook up the last monitor.

Nvida is saying I have the error: "Replace with a different display. All Surround displays must support a common resolution, refresh rate, and sync polarity."

I can get any two of the 3 to work together, just not all 3 together. So my question is, do I need an adapter to get the third running since I don't have a display port output from the monitors?

I've tried using MonInfo to find out about the sync polarity but no info was given b/c these are Korean monitors.

Thank you in advance!
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You need an ACTIVE (keyword ACTIVE) displayport to DUAL LINK Dvi adapter. Then you can run all 3 without issues.
Oh man... that mean I have to spend another $100 for this adapter?

I thought I read someone manages to do without it.

Nvidia website said I can use any adapter
So much fail...3 different monitors for eyefinity connected to a woefully under powered gpu (for gaming), and one is connected to a single-link gpu port even though the eBay product pages specifically state dual-link dvi is required. BAN. An active DP to DL-DVI adapter is required, read the product page before buying one since some only support up to 1200p.
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