Project: I have a can of bondo i won't ever use again, a dremel, and paint.


Aug 1, 2003
At least I think I have a can of useless bondo laying around.

Well, I wanted to do a front facia mod for a long time, and now I have some time, money, and tools.

Not exactly what I want to do, I really want to strip off the entire grill part, but I don't have the time, and supplies to sand it out to a perfect flawless contour.

Computer in it's current state, fully anesthetized, didn't feel a thing. Plus my custom desk made from a desk!'s kinda wobbly, needs more cross bracing.

What it will hopefully look like when it's done...

The gray triangle things will be pecies of plexi, frosted, bent to contour the front, lit up by two Blue LEDs. The fans will be two blue LED fans. I haven't decided if I want to do a front plexi door or not, but it would be bent around a steel rod to hold it on the case, bent to countour the front facia, and then a small tab will be bent to allow the door to lock in place.

A small 15 watt PSU from an external scsi cd-rw drive will power all the fans except, cpu, vga and main psu.
Yea that looks like it's going to be super cool :cool:
I like the 15psu idea for running just your fans! *looks for 15watt PSU* :D :p
I have the same case. I hate it now. But thought it was the sh&# when it came out. lettme know how it goes.. looks like something cool.good luck
The secondary PSU is for running the fans, I already have my current PSU maxed out, it's only 350watts running 5 hard drives, a 6800gt, 5 fans, and whatever else i got hooked up.
The psu will allow me to turn the fans off at night for idling, and on for full usage...without the need for a switch for each fan or a bulky fan controller. As for street, it's just gonna be a box like 2x2x7", pretty small.
I picked up some fiberglass cloth and some resin, I'm gonna cut the holes out and fiberglass the entire front, instead of bondo, since the front flexes, the bondo will end up cracking when i put the front peice back on the computer.
The project is slowly shaping out the way it's supposed to be. With a few mistakes of not putting enough hardener in the resin. I had to do it over once. Now I have the fiberglass covering the entire area, cut the holes, I'm starting to round the edges with fiberglass. Next step is to sand away any fiberglass in areas where i didn't want it and fill low spots and missed spots with bondo.

I'm sorry for not having pics, my dad has the digital camera but I'll try to snap a few with my webcam.