Project: Lego Skeleton [56K GO AWAY]

How are you going to support the bottom of the entire case?
You should buy a big lego sheet or even two to make it stronger.
BTW that looks sweet.
This is interesting and all BUT I've never seen something built out of LEGO's take so long. You're not cutting steel, bending plexi, or anything that can be considered mildly challenging. You're sticking together LEGO's, man! I've seen my nephew build more complicated things with lego's in 30minutes! And he's only 9 years old!

Anyway, good luck! I'll check back in 6 months when I expect you'll be just shy of the 1/2 way point...;)
Being a major lego mindstorms geeker back a couple years ago this project just tickles my fancy in a way I cannot describe
Thanks everyone for your kind words of support and encouragement :)

How are you going to support the bottom of the entire case?
You should buy a big lego sheet or even two to make it stronger.
BTW that looks sweet.

I'm trying to structure it in such a way that it will be self-supporting - hopefully I won't be needing a base. However I do have a whole bunch of flat pieces stockpiled for a base should I ever need one.

This is interesting and all BUT I've never seen something built out of LEGO's take so long. You're not cutting steel, bending plexi, or anything that can be considered mildly challenging. You're sticking together LEGO's, man! I've seen my nephew build more complicated things with lego's in 30minutes! And he's only 9 years old!

Anyway, good luck! I'll check back in 6 months when I expect you'll be just shy of the 1/2 way point...;)

Well unlike your nephew I have a 60+ hour a week job and a life outside of that. Besides, the festive season plus Christmas vacation means I've had more or less zero time to work on this lately. I hope to be done soon though! All I have left to do is finish up the bottom of the case, mount the motherboard and join everything together!
Yeah, children can work all day on their 'projects' unlike us poor adults :)

Good luck, elleana :D
Yeah well, I'm lazy and I like to sleep 8 hours a day. *shrug* It's my project and I'll finish it in my own sweet time.
i used to walk 5 miles to school in the snow with no shoes and wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. then i woke up. WarlordOne you are hardest working emt i have ever seen. can i get your autograph?
Hmm, so my previous design didn't work so well, on account of the PSU being way too heavy and wreaking havoc with the entire structure. It failed right off the bat at the very first stress test so I had to take half of it apart and start again.

This is as far as I got before I had to take it apart...


Instead of that dinky cradle thing I came up with earlier, I tried to get a solid base of interconnected bricks. Hopefully these will hold the weight of the PSU better...


I also added more reinforcement bricks to the PSU mounting.


Seems to be working better so far, but am keeping my fingers crossed...


Let's hope it works out better with the new design :) Good luck ;)
[H]adouken;1033591576 said:
Just don't let your little bro step on it, lol.

Funnily enough, my (not so little) brother did the stress testing that told me how fragile my design is. He tried to pick the whole thing up and it sorta kinda came apart. Ooops.
Yeah, picking large structures up from the ground is a good way to stress-test something. Though I guess that you're not supposed to be stress testing big cakes... some things just aren't meant to be lifted ;)

In this case I agree that the case should survive moving it around, though :)
Meh. Work picking up + friend's wedding this weekend == almost zero progress. So much for getting this done before Christmas last year.

PSU is now as secure as I can make it. (I hope!) The mounts at the back are screwed on tight (with the exeception of the upper right corner, it doesn't really fit. Am still figuring that one out.

I also added a retaining 'wall' behind so it will be less inclined to slide backwards. Not sure how effective that will be.

This is where the retaining wall joins the side of the case. If you'll look closely you'll realize its actually slightly bent. Due to the fixed dimensions of lego bricks I had to bend it slightly to get things to fit together. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a problem later.


Sneak peek - mounting for the power switch. It'll go in next time I get to tinker.
you can subscribe without posting, but this is worth a "nice work" post anyway.